The eleventh
OCTOBER 21, 2023


Replay of Part 1
Streamed from Australia with hosts Simone Milasas and Christopher Hughes.

Enjoy conversations with Wendy Mulder, Ryan Tee, Sarah Watt, Shannon O´Hara and Brendon Watt.

Replay of Part 2
European-based hosts, Diva Diaz, Francesca Fiorentini and Gaia Compagnon.

Conversations with David Kubes, Katarina Wallentin, Susanna Mittermaier and Kalpana Raghuraman.

Replay of Part 3
The finale! Hosted by Emily Evans Russell and Megan Hill

Conversations with Dr. Melissa Mahon, Dr. Terri Hope, Dr. Anthony Mattis, Grace Douglas and Marilyn Bradford.

Live guests Gary Douglas, creator of Access Bars and founder of Access Consciousness, and Dr. Dain Heer, co-creator of Access Consciousness join for the final hour of this phenomenal 13 hour event. 

Each year, we take one day to celebrate Access Bars®, a gentle touch point technique that has created relaxation, peace, and other dynamic changes for millions of people.

Join us to discover how to reduce stress and anxiety, find easy ways to create a life you love, and hear stories from people about the change created with Access Bars and the tools of Access Consciousness®.

In addition to a day full of videos and interviews about this revolutionary gentle technique, the finale of the day will include a guest appearance from the co-creators of Access Consciousness – Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer – streaming live from our homebase in Houston, Texas, USA.

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the gentle treatment using light touch on the head that anyone can use.


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