“What if you walked with the earth and allowed yourself to have a sense of communion and peace, allowance, where nothing is right or wrong and you have that infinite choice that is yours?” - Simone Milasas

Gary M. Douglas

Gary Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, Simone Milasas, Brendon Watt, Shannon O'Hara

Katarina Wallentin, Roser Cussó

Gary M. Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, Simone Milasas, Brendon Watt

Gary M. Douglas, Chutisa Bowman, Steven Bowman

Gary M. Douglas, Tim & Tanya Bothams

Dr. Dain Heer

Pam Houghteling

Gary M. Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer

Dr. Dain Heer


What if you could have one moment of wonder with the earth everyday? What would that look like?

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