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As long as you're operating out of what you've been told addiction is - and all the myths and lies that go along with that - it will be really hard to choose beyond it.
If you are willing to consider a radically different approach to addiction, this may be for you.
Right Recovery for You does not offer a system that you fit yourself into. It does not tell you what to do or give you answers about your life. What it offers are tools, techniques, information, and processes you can use to clear your issues with addiction and create a life beyond any addictive or compulsive behavior.
It is your choice.
It may seem a little scary at first, yet with courage and determination, you can move beyond the addictive behavior you thought would own you for the rest of your life.
Marilyn Bradford, MSSW, MEd, CFMW, is an international speaker, psychotherapist and teacher who has worked in the field of addiction for over twenty years. It was her own addictions to alcohol, food and the wrongness of self, and her unwillingness to accept addiction as a life sentence, that led her to creating this transformative and very different program. Now she travels the world offering others a chance for true freedom from addiction.
Learn more about Marilyn here.
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