Would you like to continue the adventure of consciousness and creating a business?

After you have taken an Access Bars class you are an

Access Bars® Practitioner (BP)

This means you can:

Offer Access Bars sessions to clients, family, and friends.
Host Access Bars Gifting & Receiving Events where people come and trade sessions.

After you have taken an Access 3-day Body Class, you are a

Body Process Practitioner (BPP)

and an

Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner (AFPR)*

*You also can become an AFPR by completing a 1-day Access Energetic Facelift class.

This means you can:

Offer Body Process and Access Energetic Facelift sessions to clients, family, and friends.
If as an AFPR you would like to host Facelift Gifting & Receiving Events, where people come and trade sessions, please send an email to facelift@accessconsciousness.com to apply.

Keep up to date with the latest

Blog articles, studies, and news on Access Bars, Energetic Facelift and Body Processes around the world!


Check out the online shop for Access Consciousness favorites and resources to expand you and your Access Practitioner business.

A resource and a forum to chat, share information and success stories, ask questions, and all that applies to being an Access Practitioner and growing your business!

This Facebook group is for you to unwind, to stop the endless chatter in your head, to choose happy, and to have more of you.


Please contact the Access Practitioners creation team with any questions or concerns you may have. Happy Creating!