Dr. Terrie Hope

Terrie Hope
I invite you to enjoy living something greater for you, something greater than you can possibly imagine. I love the tools of Access. Faciliatating classes and private clients brings me joy to as I see peoples live change and become greater. It is more than empowerment, or positive thinking. The tools allow you to get under the things that keep you from being, thriving and living well. You can navigate life with ease and create la life that is phenommenal.
I am an unscientist and avid researcher exploring the world of the unknown. I recently published research "The effects of Access Bars on Anxiety and Depression"

I provide personal sessions on anything you would like either on-line or in person,

A full schedule of Classes and Workshops can be found at Access Your Brilliance

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showed results that were totally unexpected. One 90 minute session provided scientific evidence that Access Bars has a sginificant effect on decreasing the severity of Anxiety and Depression. I have a Doctorate and Ph.D. in Natural Medicine with advanced studies in Consciousness and Quantum Medicine. I am passionate about creating more joy for everyone in the world.
I am an intuitive, public speaker, author, researcher and founder of Access Your Brilliance based in Toronto as well as the founder of the not for profit - The Hope Foundation for Possibilities and Change, I invite you to support future research endeavors.
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Date 09 Apr 2025 - 09 Apr 2025 Event Stress Relief Introductory Workshop Facilitator David Kubes
Dr. Terrie Hope
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Vienna, , AT
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