Access Bars 給予&接收


你開始打開通往合一的門 - 在那裡存在ㄧ切事物而沒有批判。倘若你能有更多的樂趣,可以笑得更多,並放棄將你卡住的掙扎、創傷及戲劇?

Access Bars® 可以用來在你人生的各個面向引導改變。運行你的Bars為你及你的身體創造更大的輕鬆,並且清除掉限制著你的思想、感受及情緒。

你花了你人生的多少部分在做而非接收呢?對大多數人來說,讓他們的 Bars 運行是他們第一次允許他們自己完全的接收。接收是我們最偉大的能力之一,但也是我們經常比任何事物都更動態地拒絕的。


此活動由在世界各地不同區域的 Access Bars® 導師及執行者主辦。如果你還沒上過 Access Bars® 課程並只想要接收 Bars,請聯絡主辦方詢問此可能性。

Please Register by 4pm on Wed. to so I know how many to prepare for!

or call me if after 4pm. 


$20 contribution to trade Bars as long as you have taken the Bars class at any time. I am available to assist, and will provide head charts, for those who require a little help. All levels of experience are welcome :)


This is also a great venue for bringing your friends who may be new to Access and would like an introduction that allows them to experience the Bars in a small to medium sized group setting. (Receive a semi-private Bars session from me during the group trade for $150 contribution.)
