By Gary M. Douglas
The original is still one of the most potent classes on clearing the issues of abuse that Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, has created.
Original, Clearing the Issues of Abuse 1 is the first in a trilogy of classes facilitated by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer.
Duration: 2.5 hours
Facilitator: Gary M. Douglas
Format: MP3 Download
Pre-Requisite: None
While many take-on abuse as theirs, in this class Gary Douglas facilitates the body, "Most people I've worked with say they were out of their body while it was being abused."
What abuse has been locked into your body that creates the feeling-of-abuse you experience that can now be released?
Repeated listening to this class recording can start to unlock all those insane places where your body has received abuse and you have taken it on as yours.
Over 7,000 people and many animals have received the benefits of this class.
What’s Included:
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Digital Downloads: Upon ordering the English version, a delivery email with download instructions will be sent to you so that you may download your files. You will also be able to access your downloads from your Access account dashboard under My Account/Downloads.
Gary M. Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer
Gary Douglas pioneered a set of transformational life changing tools and processes known as Access Consciousness® over 30 years ago. These tools that are on the creative edge of consciousness have transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people all over the world. His work has spread to more than 170 countries, with over 5,000 trained facilitators worldwide. Simple and so effective, the tools facilitate people of all ages and backgrounds to help remove limitations holding them back from the freedom to live and create a life they truly desire.
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