Kashesh Bhatia Garg

Kashesh Bhatia garg

I came from a family, that believed in the progressive ideas of meditation over idol worship; yet what one should do while meditating was always a curiosity. Whether one should keep the eyes close, what should one be thinking while meditating or what could one possibly chant to keep those lingering thoughts away, are some of the thoughts I grew up with.


pivotal shift came in through one of the many interjections, within the field of fashion that furthermade waves for my curiositiesThe polar attitude and environment of people and the industry in general; made me acknowledge the deeper curiosities of life, consciousness, spirituality, life after death and the taboo around it; that I had been nurturing since childhood. These vivid curiosities, made me explore different modalities to seek answers that included Reiki, Numerology, Kriya, Angels and Fairies, Unicorn and Switch Words, EFT and way more. 


However, the more I was exploring, the more powerless I felt; wherein most of the modalities drew me to a conclusion of surrendering to a higher being and idolizing that higher being possessing all the capabilities. 

It was only after I was introduced to Access Consciousness and its tools, I got aware of the innate possibilities within my own being, that I was trying to seek outside. Within the past decade I have witnessed a nonlinear journey wherein it would be difficult to exactly mark the contribution each modality has been to me; that being so, Access Consciousness has given me tools to navigate through life as an infinite being, whilst also exploring the finer nuances and potencies of life and all that lies beyond. 








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“To live a CREATIVE Life we must lose your FEAR of being WRONG !”





Access Bars 是Access Consciousness 非常核心和基礎的工具 。它已經協助數以千計的人們在它們的身體和生命裡改變非常多的層面,包含睡眠,健康,體重,金錢,性和關係,焦慮,壓力,以及更多。透過學習或接收這項技術,你可以完全輕鬆地給予你自己和你的客戶,朋友,家人和同事們你們所需要點關懷,仁慈和滋養。

Access Bars分享會


Stress Relief Introductory Workshop

This workshop will give you a few simple tools as an invitation to the possibility that angst and worry no longer have to exist in your world. Your life is a beautiful gift. Isn’t it time you had space to enjoy it more?

Access Bars 給予&接收

給予及接收 Access Bars® 對你及你的身體是一個不可思議的滋養及仁慈的程序。你開始打開通往合一的門 - 在那裡存在一切事物而沒有批判。在一個 Bars 交換 & 接收活動你將能與其他在你區域的 Bars 執行者交換。它是讓你固定運行你的 Bars 的一個很棒的方法!