Christine Barnes

Christine Barnes

Hello and Welcome to my page,

I have worked with energy for many years, having studied Yoga, Remedial Massage and Polarity Balancing. After my first Bars class, I experienced immense change, my energy shifted and I began to invite more allowance and expansion into my life.

Access has opened the door for me to see that there are infinite possibilities and that living in the question brings lightness and ease.

I am passionate about Access Consciousness and would love to share this wonderful gift with you and your loved ones, if you truly wish to create more in your life, this is the place!

Take some time out for yourself, you can book for an Access Bars, Access Body Process or Energetic Facelift session on 0414 963 537

Perhaps you would you like to  learn the Access Bars or Energetic Face Lift? these are full day classes either weekday or weekend. Let me know your preference, we can easily create a class to suit your schedule. At the end of the day you will be qualified to practice on friends, family or you may choose to create a business and see clients, you will leave with a basketful of tools to support you in daily life, a Certificate, Manual and Head Charts. We also have regular swap days where you come and exchange with other practitioners.








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“Choice creates awareness - Awareness does not create choice”

- Gary Douglas




Access Bars 是Access Consciousness 非常核心和基礎的工具 。它已經協助數以千計的人們在它們的身體和生命裡改變非常多的層面,包含睡眠,健康,體重,金錢,性和關係,焦慮,壓力,以及更多。透過學習或接收這項技術,你可以完全輕鬆地給予你自己和你的客戶,朋友,家人和同事們你們所需要點關懷,仁慈和滋養。