In this main class, you will be given simple and pragmatic tools to empower you to create relationships that actually work – starting with you!
What can the Earth show you about creation, receiving, relationship and connection?
What if today was the day you embraced your body as the miracle it truly is? Stop thinking your body is negative.
What if the end of a relationship could be the springboard into the creation of your life?
Breaking up in this reality is oftentimes filled with trauma and drama. What if there was another way?
What if you found out that everything you have ever been told about relationships was a lie?
In this online series, you will be given simple and pragmatic tools to empower you to create relationships that actually work – starting with you!
This is the beginning of a different choice for you to be in a relationship, or not. Relationship should be a choice not a necessity. What would you like to create as your life?
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