Every time you look in the mirror and judge it, the cells remember and lock that judgment in.


Facelift erases cellular memory of judgment and rejuvenates the body and the being!


Once we release and eliminate the judgments we project at our face in the mirror, our body has the space to regenerate itself.

“I found the AC Energetic Facelift when I was looking for an alternative beauty technique...what I found was a wonderful combination of energies that changed the way I view EVERYTHING (especially my life, relationships, and body!)”

Julie O Perkins



Light and luminosity of the face

Elasticity of the skin

Clarity of the eyes

Glow in the hair

Lifting of breasts and buttocks

Improved energy

Increased relaxation

Every time you look in the mirror and judge your reflection, the cells remember and lock that judgment into your cells.


What if you could dissipate everything you’ve judged about your face?