Are you interested in facilitating others to find their voice in the world? To truly create? To have an ease and joy of expressing themselves?
What if you added the empowering tools of Right Voice For You to your life or business?
Do you have your voice in your business? Are you willing to be seen by the world? Are you avoiding success?
What if it could be easy?
Would you like to apply to become a RVFY Facilitator? specialtyfacilitators@accessconsciousness.com
Find more information on the RVFY Facilitator trainings here.
Wow!! This class was phenomenal!! What you said about stepping up to become the superstar of your own life really really sparked something in me! I've remembered it almost every day since & in the past couple of weeks the way I speak has started to change without needing to think about it! I used to stutter and literally not enjoy speaking before. It's getting easier and easier to speak slowly with confidence. It's so cool how much can change!
Sandy Leveque, France"When I lower my barriers I get to be all of me, and to know what I do know."
My Södergren
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