Would you like to travel the world and have as many people as possible have access to consciousness by facilitating your classes in all countries and languages?
Our simultaneous translation equipment is used in all the Access Consciousness® classes with Gary Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, Brendon Watt, and Simone Milasas and we now make it available for you to have your facilitation translated simultaneously with these “blue boxes”.
PLEASE NOTE: we do not provide translators or any translation services.
Please contact the Translation Rental Equipment Team at: equipmentrental@accessconsciousness.ie
We will be happy to guide you through and give you all the details and information on everything you need to facilitate your classes in multiple languages simultaneously. You will get videos and written instructions to make this very easy for you.
Our equipment can be shipped from USA, Brazil, Russia, Japan, China, and Europe.
The Rental Equipment Gaggle
Suzy Godsey & Hannes Thalmann
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