Leticia Rodriguez Gutierrez

Leticia Rodriguez Gutierrez

Aloha! E Komo Mai 

Hi and Welcome! I am honored that you are here curious, looking to expand and learn more about what the universe has to offer. 

I worked as a Behavioral Health Specialist for nine years for the Department of Defense in the United States. Inspired by my work in the Behavioral Health field, I got certified as a Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Instructor. I learned about Access Bars in May 2022. Today, I am thankful that I listened to my intuition and curiosity and welcomed Access Consciousness into my life. It has been life-changing. 

I live on the Island of O'ahu, where I offer Access Bars sessions, Certification,Energetic Facelift Sessions, and Body Processes. I also offer Access Consciousness Inspired workshops. I would love to connect and expand.


I am looking forward to contributing to your life and you to mine! 


*I speak Spanish, English, and Brazilian Portuguese.



日期 活动 导师 主持人 地点 方式
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“I'm doing the best I can with the tools I have.”

- Anonymous




AccessBars®是Access Consciousness的核心和基础。 它可以成为伟大冒险的起点,也可以是你增添到你的生活中帮助你在一切事物上更加轻松自在。 Bars®是头部的32个独特的点位,与生活的不同领域和方面相关。 触摸一个Bars点位,你就开始通过触摸它来清除锁定在那个区域或生活方面的能量。

Access bars 赠予&接收

赠予和接收Access Bars®对你和你的身体是一个不可思议的滋养和仁善的程序,你将会打开通往合一之门- 在那里对一切事物的存在都没有评判,在一次Bars的赠予&接收活动中,你将能够与其他在你的地区的Bars执行者交换。这是让你的Bars定期运行的很棒的方式!