Jade Hicks

Jade Hicks
What if, instead of removing / withholding / cutting out and avoiding things as we go into 2025, you added something different something new to your body, life and living?
What could that create?
Access Bars
“If you considered it important, it is stored in one of the 32 bars.”
What could it create for all of us, for the world if we could have as many people as possible running bars, having their bars ran? What would it be like if kids in schools ran bars for each other?
What space of something different is available if we choose it?
Bars run like a virus scanner on a computer, it’s like hitting delete on all the things that are sticking you in your life. I always say to people that for me, having my bars ran is like pouring bliss directly into my world.
What gift could it be to learn the bars for you, your friends and family and your life and living?
Access Energetic Facelift
🎁soothes your mind
🎁 rejuvenates your face
🎁 relaxes your body
What gift could learning the energetic facelift be for you, your body, life and living?
Access Body Processes
There’s a space of true knowing available for you and your body if you are willing to receive it.
I’ve spent years playing the body roulette guessing game, trying everything im told is best for my body and supposed to be good for me, cutting out and away everything that is supposed to be bad for me. All of that noise, clutter and distraction had created disappointment and untrust in my body instead of creating the picture of health I’d lost what health could be.
What if you could step into the space of trust with your body? What if your body got to choose?
What would it be like to move in lightness and space instead of heaviness and contraction?
Bars was my first glimpse of a different possibility and from there my body led me, quickly, to as many body processes as I could find and soaked them up like a lizard in the sun. Planting the seed for different possibilities with each one.
Would you be willing to allow your body the gift of soaking up the expansive energies of body processes? Do you have the courage to explore what you’ve decided is unchangable in pursuit of the space of something different? 🧚
Here’s a tool to use to open some space with your beautiful sweet patient body today:
Ask; Body, show me something beautiful today 🧚
Let me know what your body gifts you today 💆‍♀️

I would love to invite you to join me as we move forward, lead by consciousness to create something very different for our bodies our lives and our living. Do you dare? 

Check out my most up to date class listings on my website or contact me directly using the info below🧚‍♀️


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“"The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we have problems and we've got obstacles to overcome, instead of just realising; we are magnificent."”

- - Christoper Hughes




Access Consciousness身体程序帮助你提高你对自己身体的觉察,这样你能够知道它什么时候在与你交流。在身体程序的赠予及接收中,你将能够赠予和接收你在身体程序课或者Access三天身体课中学到的身体程序。


AccessBars®是Access Consciousness的核心和基础。 它可以成为伟大冒险的起点,也可以是你增添到你的生活中帮助你在一切事物上更加轻松自在。 Bars®是头部的32个独特的点位,与生活的不同领域和方面相关。 触摸一个Bars点位,你就开始通过触摸它来清除锁定在那个区域或生活方面的能量。



IAE of Limitless Energy, Limitless Wealth and Limitless Possibilities

This process is not being explained so your body can experience the energy in class