Kimi işe aldığınızın farkında mısınız ? İnsanlarla çalışmak ya da onların tecrübeleri ve yetenekleri için zamanlarını kiralamak. Hangisiyle çalışmayı seçerdiniz?
Mutluluğun tanımı istediklerini almak değil kendini gerçekleştirerek yaşayabilmektir.
Her kademe için çalışanlarınız iş dışındaki zamanlarında kendilerini mutlu eden şeyler yaparlar.
Kurumsal firmalar çalışanın motivasyonunu ve mesleki kalitelesini arttırmak adına eğitimleri vazgeçilmez bir alan olarak kabul etmişlerdir.
Çalışanın mutlu olması ve varlığını işine katması için ne yapılması gerekiyorsa yapmak eğitimlerimizdeki hedefimizdir.
Eğer işinizi mutlu ve işe getirdikleri kendi gerçek kimlikleriyle çalışanlara emanet edersiniz bu size nasıl bir firma kültürü ve kimliği yaratır?
İnsan bütünsel varlığıyla bulunduğu ortamda olmayı diğer her şeyden çok seçmişse algısı an duygusuyla çalışır.
Bu onun yaratıcılığını ve yüksek enerjisini ve tüm kapasitesini katkı olarak kullanmasıdır.
Bu insanın kendini işine katması, işini geliştirmeye istekli olması, iletişim kalitesinin yüksek olması, ortak kültür ve kimlik oluşturmaya dirençsiz olmasıdır.
Tüm bunların kökeni kişinin kendi özelinden yani yaşamla, kendisiye olan ilişkisinden geçmektedir.
Firmaların ilgilenmediği kısım aslında onlara sunulan hizmetin kalitesinin kaynağıdır.
İnsan Bedeniyle vardır. Bilgeliğimiz bedenimizle ne kadar birleşebildiğimize bağlıdır.
Çalışanın sadece zihni işe alındığında bu sadece geçmişin sınırlamalarla şekillendirdiği performansının tekrarlanmasını getirir.
Yapılması gereken öncelikle Firmanın bir bakış açısı değişikliğine gitmesidir.
Artık kişinin kendisini bütünsel olarak işe almayı seçecektir.
İstenen özellikleriyle beklenen performansı veren bir çalışanın esas işe katkısı, işini yaparken onun kim olduğuyla ilgilidir.
Kişilik testlerinin yansıttığı kimliğin ötesi işinize katkı olacak esas benliktir.
Bu seçimi yaptığınızda kurum yapısında çalışanların mutluluğu için Bilinç Kolaylaştırıcılar olarak çalışmamıza alan açarsınız.
Eğitimlerimiz zihinleri yüklerinden kurtararak keskin ve sınırlanmamış bir işlemci performansını tekrar kazanmalarıyla ilgilidir.
Sınıflarımız ve seanslarımız kişinin daha fazla kendisi olması için zihnin sınırlamalarından ve blokajlardan özgürleştiren bir sistemdir.
Kişinin yaşamda değiştiremediği ve buna karar verdiği noktaların kilitlerini açmak için tasarlanmışlardır.
Bir kere kişiye dokunulduğunda kişinin, sınırlamalarını, performansını oluşturan tüm bakış açıları, yargılar, kabulsüzlükler, tutunduğu yalanlar çözülmeye başlar.
Kişinin gerçek kendisi olmasının önünde kendi olarak kabullendiği tüm bu refleks sistemleri, dirençler ve kendini küçülttüğü tüm noktalar yok olmaya başlar.
Bu insanın gerçekten kendisi olarak yaşamını yeniden yaratmasıdır.
Bu durum bedende implantlanmış pek çok şeyin açığa çıkmasıdır.
Bu da moleküler yapısı ile insanın evrenle iletişiminin tıkanıklıklarını açar.
Kendi yaşamını gerçekte olduğu orijinal haliyle kendisi olarak yaratmasını, tüm yaratıcılığı ve ilhamla yaşamasını, daha fazla zaman ve daha fazla para ve daha fazla mutluluk yaratarak çalışmasını sağlar.
İşte bu nedenle işin sahibi olan patronlar kendi işlerini bir çalışanından daha fazla algılayabilir böylece sorunlarla değil çözümle yürür, kendi kısıtlamalarının bahanesi yerine gerçekleri kabul edip ötesine ulaşması kolaylıkla mümkün olur.
Her çalışanın aynı zamanda bir patron gibi kısıtlamalar ve sınırlar ötesindeki gerçekten olduğu sınırsız yaratıcılık ile kurumsal kültür ve kurumsal kimlik taşıyarak işe katkı olsaydı bu kurumda ne yaratırdı?
My name is Burcu Aybey, LL.M. I am a graduate of Marmara University Faculty of Law, Private Law.
Since 2014, when we met with Access Bars® and Access Consciousness® tools as Access Consciousness Facilitators with my husband Murat Aybey and my son Doğan Emre Aybey we have been moving forward with joy and curiosity to create more consciousness in the world with the change and transformation in our lives.
We live with the awareness that our choices are creating our life and living.
Realizing that there is more of life as the "whimsy of our minds" disappears, we saw that Access Consciousness® is the handbook for living our lives naturally, that is, easily creating more happiness and joy.
Who are the people running your business? Are your employees happy?
Are you aware of who you are hiring? Working with people or renting their time for their experience and talents. Which would you choose to work with?
The definition of happiness is not getting what you want but being able to live by realizing yourself.
For every level, your employees do things that make them happy outside of work.
Corporate firms have accepted training as an indispensable field in order to increase employee motivation and professional quality.
It is our goal to do whatever it takes to make the employee happy and add his / her presence to his / her job in our training programme.
If you entrust your job to employees who are happy and with their true identities, what kind of a corporate culture and identity will this create for you?
If a person chooses to be in his environment with his holistic existence more than anything else, his perception works with the sense of the moment.
This is his contribution to his creativity and high energy and all his capacity.
This person's contribution to his / her job, their willingness to develop their work, their high communication quality, their inability to create a common culture and identity.
The origin of all these passes through one's own personal relationship, that is, life and oneself.
The part that the companies are not interested in is actually the source of the quality of the service offered to them.
What are we doing?
Our wisdom depends on how much we can combine with our body.
When only the mind of the employee is recruited, this only involves a repetition of the performance that the past has shaped by constraints.
The first thing that needs to be done is for the company to change its perspective.
Now the person will choose to recruit himself holistically.
The main job contribution of an employee, who gives the expected performance with his desired characteristics, is about who he is while doing his job.
Beyond the identity reflected by personality tests, it is the main self that will contribute to your work.
When you make this choice, you open up space for our work as Consciousness Facilitators for the happiness of the employees in the corporate structure.
Our tutorials are about freeing minds from their burden and regaining sharp and unrestricted processor performance.
Our classes and sessions are a system that frees the mind from the constraints and blockages in order to be more oneself.
They are designed to unlock the points in life that a person cannot change and decide on.
Once the person has the choice, all the perspectives, judgments, disagreements, and lies that make up the person's limitations and performance begin to dissolve.
All these reflex systems, resistances and all the points where the person shrinks himself begin to disappear in front of being the real self.
This is the recreation of your life as you really desire.
This is the revealing of many implanted things in the body.
This, with its molecular structure, opens the blockages of human communication with the universe.
It allows you to create your own life as you desire as it is, live with all the creativity and inspiration, work by creating more time and more money and more happiness.
That is why bosses who own the job can perceive their own work more than an employee, so that they can walk with solutions rather than problems, and it is easily possible to accept the facts and reach beyond, instead of the excuse of their own restrictions.
If each employee contributed to the work by carrying a corporate culture and corporate identity with unlimited creativity that is truly beyond the constraints and boundaries like a boss at the same time, what would this create in this institution?
Speaker | Topic | Webinar content | Topics | Firm | Duration |
Murat Aybey | Being Open to Change | For those who are not open to change, life is a struggle. As long as you look from a fixed point of view, you create a limited life by aligning and getting over with the things that change. This workshop is about liberation from this perspective where your life has become a struggle. | *What decisions and orders are you holding on to? *To what extent do the development of your career and business feed each other? *Can your job create a different future despite you? *How do you respond to what the job asks you to do? *What can you do differently today for a different career? | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Burcu Aybey | Discovering Joy in Your Business | Doing your work with joy will increase your personal performance and your business will be bigger. This workshop will make you acknowledge your work and how you do it and how you can bring joy to your business | *Practical tools to grow your business. *What is business to you? *How long are you at work? *Does it create more motivation or enthusiasm and curiosity? | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Burcu Aybey | Stress Relief Practice Workshop | This study makes a great contribution to the continuity of the employees of the company, to their work efficiency and to meet the life more easily. It eliminates the effects of Burnout Syndrome and Stress, which is defined as a medical problem by the World Health Organization, that reduce the productivity of individuals and therefore institutions. | The brain has the power to create stress as well as relaxation. What does our way of thinking choose when faced with a situation? | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Burcu Aybey Murat Aybey | Relationships | In corporate life, perhaps the most important determinant in terms of company productivity and individual performances is relationships. This work raises awareness about the factors at the root of relationships and their impact. | *Any kind of relationship has restrictive and contributive effects. The compelling aspects of relationships and determining our behaviors govern our lives. *Which determinants are under the influence of which you are not aware of at the origin of the relations of your life, work life and social environment. | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Murat Aybey | Being the Leader of Your Own Life | *Every person, no matter what kind of life he is in, his life belongs to him. But how aware are people of this? *In this workshop, we look beyond the perspectives that are decisive in mutual relations with leaders and managers together. | Who are you, what did you study, what is your social circle, what kind of life do you have, how are you known, what capacities do you have? Who decided these? Who are you following? Who is the most important person in your life? | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Burcu Aybey | Financial Awareness | How much income and expense are you aware of? This class will contribute to having a different financial situation with the tools you can use in your relationship with money. | It is a generally accepted point of view that your financial situation determines your relationship with life. We do a practical study with tools and methods related to your financial situation and income streams. | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Burcu Aybey | Your Relationship with Your Body | If we don't have a body, we don't exist, but how much do we care about its existence? It is always present in our health, financial reality, and relationships. This workshop will help us to look at our body in a way that we have not seen before. | Understanding the language of the body, being able to hear it and communicating with it in a different way is the key to our life, our level of well-being and our more productive and joyful life. | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Burcu Aybey | 7steps to Flawless Communication | 7steps by Kass Thomas is a unique approach to communication designed to optimize your success when it comes to relating to others with ease. | The 7steps Business Training Program, developed by Kass Thomas, creates a shift in group and individual dynamics by inviting people to go beyond verbal and visual communication in order to establish more authentic connections with everyone the encounter. | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Murat Aybey | How to Become Money? | Beyond all accepted perspectives on money, this workshop is diverse and joyful to follow. | The way we view money and the role we give it in our lives has created the financial reality we have now. This is a workshop for you to create a financial situation beyond that. | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Murat Aybey | The Different Side of Being a Parent |
This class is about the ways to communicate differently with our children. | Being a parent is a role in which we confine ourselves to feelings of guilt and do not know what to do. On the other hand, with this stuckness, we create a relationship in which we miss getting to know our child. | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Murat Aybey | Strategic Awareness and Conscious Leadership | It is an introductory study of management beyond traditional company management and managers. A workshop that introduces working with strategic awareness that replaces a competitive perspective. | The traditional way of doing business is a management style and process management that looks at sectoral realities, competitive management, efficiency and profitability. A sustainable vision and the dissemination of this vision to all management levels of the company are the neglected aspects of productivity and growth. | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
Burcu Aybey | Executive Performance Consulting | Special sessions to gain mental clarity that will enable top managers to use their individual capacities to create their company vision and implement their management skills more easily. | Increasing awareness of behavioral energy, conscious leadership and the contribution of your body to your work performance in top management levels. Clearing the mind's constraining blockages, clearing the areas of limiting beliefs and perspectives that do not allow the use of capacities. | Access Consciousness Facilitators | 2-3 Hours |
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“Ya aslında değişmeyen tek şey değişim olsaydı bu ne yaratırdı? Gerçekten evrende daha fazla bilinç yaratmak için ne gerekir?”
- Burcu Aybey CFAccessBars®是Access Consciousness的核心和基础。 它可以成为伟大冒险的起点,也可以是你增添到你的生活中帮助你在一切事物上更加轻松自在。 Bars®是头部的32个独特的点位,与生活的不同领域和方面相关。 触摸一个Bars点位,你就开始通过触摸它来清除锁定在那个区域或生活方面的能量。
倘若你的身体是一个生命中的秘密、神秘和魔法的指南针或者向导,会是怎样的呢? Access身体课是设计来打开对话并与您的身体创造共融,以允许你享受你的身体,而不是与它作斗争并滥用它。
This class is for you if you would like your life, your work, or your business to create something entirely different for yourself and for the planet. Every day when you wake up, you have the choice to create your life, or let it be created by the projections of this reality. If you are stuck in a comfortable or conventional way of doing business or living your life that feels limited, it doesn’t have to be that way! What if your life, living, work and business could be creative and joyful?