More About The ESB

The ESB (The Energetic Synthesis of Being) is a set of tools and techniques that help facilitate energetic transformation, developed by Dr. Dain Heer. Each session is unique, depending on what the recipient requires and asks for. However, ESB generally involves emotional and energetic ‘shifts’ that occur through the application of subtle hand movements and verbal processing.

“What happens then is, people start to get a sense of peace; they find a space where everything exists and nothing is judged” – Dr. Dain Heer

For nearly two decades, Dr. Dain Heer has been exploring the untapped benefits of subtle energy – sometimes known throughout history as prana, mana, qi, chi, or ‘vibes’. He has combined all that he has learned and experienced into a process called the Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB).

“Everything we experience in this world is energy, and everything we experience has an energy to it. It wasn’t until I started understanding that energy is within all of us and everything – it’s our basic language, our basic nature – that I realized that, really, anything is changeable”, Dr. Heer remarks. “The difficulty we have in today’s society, from my point of view, is that we’ve never been taught the language of energy.”

Through the ESB, Dr. Heer aims to help others realize the possibility of moving beyond old habits, trauma, and unhelpful judgment, by exploring the true breadth of energetic experience.

“What I have come to realize is that people who have a fixed point of view psychologically, or metaphysically, or religiously, or from family, or from anything they have experienced, stop themselves from tapping into other energies. Through ESB, I do my best to give people the awareness that they can tap into, explore, experience and enjoy every energy that exists”, Dr. Heer explains. 

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(The Energetic Synthesis of Being)

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Gratitude to everyone who participated in, and contributed to, this project.