Dr. Dain Heer, the creator of Symphony of Possibilities, Dr. Anthony Mattis, and Katarina Wallentin will all explore different aspects of living and playing in a universe of energy.
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Enjoy a global Symphony Group Taster session with the Symphony Advanced Practitioners – RIGHT HERE ONLINE!
This group session aims to give anyone participating a sense of, taste, and experience of the Symphony energy!
This is a special online session for the Global Symphony Day, facilitated by the Symphony Advanced Practitioners. These practitioners have all trained with Dr. Dain Heer and facilitate Symphony sessions as well as introductory Symphony classes all over the world.
Symphony sessions are often facilitated without any words. Just allow yourself to perceive, receive, and even play with the energy.
Your only task is to be. You can choose to sit, lie down, close your eyes, or even take the session with you on a walk into the forest. There are no rules, and you can't do this wrong.
A Symphony session is not a therapy or healing session – but an exploration of energies with the target to empower each person to know that they can choose and change anything.
Experience the Symphony in person somewhere near you!
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The Symphony of Possibilities, or SOP, is a modality of energy work developed by Dr. Dain Heer. Today, more than ten years later, there are thousands of Symphony Practitioners all around the world offering sessions and classes.
But the Symphony is not just ‘energy work’ used in a session; it is also a way that you can BE and engage energetically with the world every single day. The Symphony of Possibilities invites you to embrace the energetic wonder of you – beyond any conclusions about what you are, could be, and should be.
Our Global Symphony Day is a celebration of all this – and more!
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