Fun Sex! Fabulous Relationship! REPLAY

By Gary M. Douglas

Welcome to Fun Sex! Fabulous Relationship!

Find out how this could be your life!

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Online Replay


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Facilitator:  Gary M. Douglas

Format:  Online Replay

Pre-Requisite:  None

What is Fun Sex! Fabulous Relationship?

How much sex are you really willing to have? And how fabulous a relationship are you really willing to have? What if the way you have done sex & relationships could change?

What if there was a totally different way to receive? What would your relationship look like if you were totally grateful for each other? How much have you cut off of you for your partner? What if you could have all of you and receive all of them?

What if sex and copulation was about receiving? What if it was about total relaxation? Imagine what sex would be like if two people were totally present, totally willing, totally nurturing, totally caring and in total allowance of each other - what contribution could you be to each others bodies and being? What if you had more awareness about what a man desires? About what a woman desires? What if sex was just easy and FUN?

Class Deliverables Include:

  • Unlimited Access Livestream replay access (internet connection required)



Gary Douglas pioneered a set of transformational life changing tools and processes known as Access Consciousness® over 30 years ago. These tools that are on the creative edge of consciousness have transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people all over the world. His work has spread to more than 170 countries, with over 5,000 trained facilitators worldwide. Simple and so effective, the tools facilitate people of all ages and backgrounds to help remove limitations holding them back from the freedom to live and create a life they truly desire.