Sara ozer Yardeni

sara yardeni

Welcome and Congratulations to you! 

Have you being looking for something different in your life?Have you had enough with learning your life lessons the hard way?

Are you at the point that you demand for your life to be greater? more joyfull? worth living?

Have you been" working on yourself" and still waking up to  a similar reality?

Is it your time for YOU to become a priority in your life?

Do you love nature? Would you like to have adventures in beautiful places around the world?

I have recently created a space in Northern Italy!

Exploring with me and the access consciousness tools invites you to have more  possibilities,self empowerment ,magic and an adventure of joyful living and more....

Creating with tools that are fun to use and super practical!

Now is your time&space my friend.Will you let anything hold you back?

My name is Sara Ozer Yardeni .Let’s get to know each other , shall we?

I am a courious lady, dedicated to evoltion and empowerment of my self and those that choose to be.
I have studied, practiced, taught and met thousands of people around the world for the past 30 years, and discovered that we all would like to have the joy of life and living, we are potent creators that are way capable than we were brought up to beleive we are... There are many ways, paths, and formulas that are offered.
what will work for you and your body? what are you ready to be and recieve now that you were not before?
I lived a very full and busy life that was full of rules and obligations; a life dedicated to serving others. I thought that I had many answers to what life was and is.Until...i asked, what else is there for me?
I expanded my way of living to include  an east-asian healing martial arts method called Dahn-Mudo, and ThetaHealing, the creation of our reality through healing of the subconscious mind. 
I became more aware...and honest with myself....
Are you in this space with you?
Many things in my life were a creation of points of views that I bought into that no longer served me. I spent a lot of time practicing all of the healing modalities together, and still it felt like I was waking up to a similar life. I did not see the full actualization of the change I was feeling in my inner world until I allowed Access bars and Access Consciousness tools to contribute to me.
Have you been doing everything you knew that you could be doing to create the life you want, and are still unable to have the life you choose to have? A feeling where your inner and outer world are not matching?  
Are you looking for more actualization?
Practicing the different body processes have contributed greatly to my well-being, and becoming an Access Consciousness Facilitator was the lightest and most joyful form of expanding awareness that I have ever experienced in my entire life so far! 
How much ease are you willing to receive into your life and how great are you willing your life to be? What will it take to get there? 
Your choice creates your reality.What can you choose now?
I am offering many of the access core classess and specialty classess.Looking forward to sharing the experience with you online or in person!
If you require any additional information about the classess please email me at
With Gratitude,

Yaklaşan Seminerler

Tarih Etkinlik Facilitator Ana İşlem Konum Ortam
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

Görüntülenecek seminer yok.

“Everything you require to create the life you desire is within you. Willing to explore?”

- Sara Yardeni




Bu sınıf, başka bir seçeneğiniz yokmuş gibi yaşamak zorunda olduğunuzu düşündüğünüz sınırlamanın temelini ortadan kaldırıyor! Bu, tüm dünyada sertifikalı Access Consciousness kolaylaştırıcıları tarafından kolaylaştırılır ve başka neyin mümkün olabileceğinin 4-günlük yoğun bir keşfidir. Sınıf, henüz hayatınızda kullanmadığınız bir farkındalığın temeli hakkında farkındalık yaratır!