Recovery from Brainwashing Sep-17 Teleseries

By Anne Maxwell

No one type of person is exempt from psychological abuse … it cuts through all socioeconomic classes, all cultures, all religions, both sexes, and all ages.

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Translated version available. See details below!

Duration:  3-Part Teleseries

Facilitator:  Anne Maxwell

Format:  MP3 + PDF Download

Pre-Requisite:  None

People do psychological abuse in subtle ways that we don’t expect. No one type of person is exempt from psychological abuse … it cuts through all socioeconomic classes, all cultures, all religions, both sexes, and all ages. This class is about recovery, from all of that.

"Would you be willing to be as kind to yourself as you are to other people?"—Anne Maxwell

Is now the time to “out” this kind of abuse, to shine the light of day on it and to begin to undo the effects of it … to recover from it?

"Did you know when you were being psychologically abused or was it done so subtly you just thought it was normal?"—Gary Douglas

Class Deliverables Include:

  • MP3 Digital Download
  • PDF Digital Download

Translated Languages:

Purchase the English version here and email with your purchase receipt or confirmation email to request the downloads in one of these languages: 

  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Portuguese 
  • Spanish

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Delivery Information:

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Anne Maxwell, LCSW, RPT-S, is a child and play and family therapist, and an Access Consciousness® facilitator.  Known as the “Play Lady” by many of the children with whom she works, and as the “Kid Whisperer” by some of her colleagues, she has over 20 years of experience working with children of all ages and backgrounds, who have been given all kinds of diagnoses, as well as with adults and families.  Anne now travels the world facilitating classes and has developed a unique approach for change for children and families.  She teaches children and parents to tap into and recognize their own abilities and knowing, and to acknowledge that different is simply different; not right, not wrong.  And, the results have been magical, phenomenal, amazing!  Healing and change are so much easier, more effective, more fun and faster!