Michelle Noble

Michelle Noble

Anais Nin wrote, " ..the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

That used to be a pretty good description of how I sought change in my life and change in who I perceived myself to be.

A driven desire for something more or different. Effort. Guilt. Shame. A feeling that to not change would be intolerable, and yet change remained a wall I banged my head against and a continual wrestling match with the dragon of fear.


Then I discovered Access Consciousness and I cannot believe how things are changing with fun and ease. I may still have a skunky day or an hour or two of fear. And I can ask, "How does it get any better than this? What is it? Is it mine? What else is possible?"

Most often something begins to shift or I can just let it go...and if not right away, at least I know it will change. The heaviness is not actually the truth of my l life and future.

If you have always known that something better must be out there, but you just didn't know how to get there...if you are ready for something different, for some ease, joy and fun, I would love to talk with you.

Are you willing to let change be joyous, easy and fun?

Are you willing to create, receive, and BE more? And even more? And even more than that?

Do you feel lighter as you've read this?

Okay! Let's Play!

You can go here to set up a time to chat - I'd love to learn more about you! https://www.CalmerMom.Solutions

A little more about me: I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1998, specializing in Craniosacral Therapy and other gentle, intuitive ways to clear pain and trauma. I take a whole being approach with my clients with a knowlege of anatomy and injury treatment giving me more information and awareness as I talk to clients and there bodies about what is required to create the change they are asking for.

In 2014 I added Access Bars and the tools of Access Consciousness and (Woot, Woot!), how did helping others to create the life and living they desire become so easy and so much dang fun?!

My clients come to me with seemingly complicated and intractable challenges, often exhausted and hopeless after all they have tried. We explore. I ask some questions. Run their Bars. They feel lighter. They discover feeling at home in their bodies. Their lives begin to change.

Can it really be so simple? Yeah, it really can. And I am humbled, grateful and amazed every time. How did I get so lucky to share this gift with others so they might BE who they BE and I get to witness and support them as they, at last, do blossom!

How does it get any better than that?!

Come Play with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NobleStepsForYou

Discover more about The Calmer Mom Project

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“"What if being YOU is a greater gift to your children, your family, the planet than being perfect?"”

- Michelle Noble
