Graeme Crosscuddles

Graeme Crosskill

What are the greatest possibilities you could ask for you have never considered?

Up and Coming Workshops:
One on One Sessions -  Online, Zoom
7 Days for Finding Your Happy -
Online | 7 - 13 October | Online, Zoom
Foundation Class - Live | 20 - 23 December | Cape Town, South Africa

*Please keep an eye out for the next Access Bars Class, Foundation and speciality events.

What if the deep knowing of what you would like your life to be is an awareness, not a fantasy?

Graeme Crosscuddles

You are welcome to connect with me via 
Whatsapp +39 347 899 4378
Instagram @graemecrosscuddles


As Certified Facilitator, I offer a variety of Access workshops that provide individuals with a powerful set of tools, questions, and techniques to transform any situation they may face. The workshops are designed to empower participants, enabling them to make positive changes in their lives and become an invitation for others to do the same.

One of our core offerings is the Access Bars workshop, which is a one-day immersive experience. Additionally, I provide taster classes, private sessions, and advanced classes such as the Access Foundation Class. My workshops are not limited to physical locations, as I also offer online webinars to reach you where ever you may be.

I believe that consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. I empower individuals to ask questions, tap into their own knowing and awareness, and discover their unique path to change, choice and success. I am committed to helping people recognise that “all life can come to them with ease, joy, and glory”.

Access workshops have garnered positive feedback from participants all over the world who have experienced significant personal transformation. Through our collaborative approach and dedication to empowering individuals, Access has built a strong network of Access Facilitators worldwide.

While I am currently based in Cape Town, I have plans to expand my reach throughout South Africa and Southern Africa as we continue to grow. 
My vision is to create a world with a greater set of choices and possibilities, where all individuals can thrive and embrace their greatness.

Welcome to the Tools of Access Consciousness!

What if ALL of life came to you with ease, joy, and glory?

What would you choose? What would you be?

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Предстоящие занятия

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Нет занятий для показа..

“If you measure your success by your achievement of joy, everything else will fall easily into place”

- Unknowen, so Im stealing it!


Мои занятия


Аксесс Бары являются самым ядром и основой Access Cоnsciousness. Они могут стать отправной точкой большого путешествия и быть прекрасным дополнением к вашей жизни, которое поспособствует вам в создании большей лёгкости во всём. Бары – это 32 уникальные точки на голове, которые соотносятся с различными сферами и аспектами жизни. Прикоснитесь к одному Бару, и вы начнёте высвобождать энергию, запертую в этой сфере или аспекте вашей жизни, всего лишь через прикосновение.


Этот класс разрушит фундамент ограничений, в которых, как вам кажется, следует жить, как будто у вас не существует иного выбора! Он проводится сертифицированными фасилитаторами Access Consciousness по всему миру и является интенсивным 4х дневным ознакомлением с тем,что еще возможно в вашей жизни. Этот класс создает осознание основ осознанности на том уровне, на котором вы их раньше в своей жизни не использовали!