Devarati Angela Sammon

Devarati (Angela) Sammon

Devarati Angela Sammon invites you to awareness from a space of Joy with her contagious laughter and a space of greater possibilities and total presence.
Devarati is a business mentor, personal development speaker, meditation instructor, event organizer and a celebrated jewellery designer. She draws some of her capacities from  Access Consciousness Facilitator training,  Joy of Business  Facilitator training,  Being You Facilitator training, Right Body for you Training, ESSE training  and Symphony classes and a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA).

Able to balance the logic of accounting with the creativity of design and the mindfulness of spiritual practice, Devarati is renowned for both her joie de vivre, kindness, clarity and her ability to bring a broader perspective to any situation.

You can explore possibilities with Devarati in private sessions, on Facebook, on skype or through her courses listed at Or email:

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Аксесс Бары являются самым ядром и основой Access Cоnsciousness. Они могут стать отправной точкой большого путешествия и быть прекрасным дополнением к вашей жизни, которое поспособствует вам в создании большей лёгкости во всём. Бары – это 32 уникальные точки на голове, которые соотносятся с различными сферами и аспектами жизни. Прикоснитесь к одному Бару, и вы начнёте высвобождать энергию, запертую в этой сфере или аспекте вашей жизни, всего лишь через прикосновение.

CREATE! More Time, More Money, More Joy

This class is for you if you would like your life, your work, or your business to create something entirely different for yourself and for the planet. Every day when you wake up, you have the choice to create your life, or let it be created by the projections of this reality. If you are stuck in a comfortable or conventional way of doing business or living your life that feels limited, it doesn’t have to be that way! What if your life, living, work and business could be creative and joyful?