Christina Chiu

Christina Chiu

今天我能成為什麼貢獻,讓它馬上指數成倍的擴展呢?🌟✨ Be it & receive it!😍


你對成為“你”所是的“可能性”會感到好奇嗎? 🤩 




讓我們使用Access Consciousness®的工具一起來玩耍吧!




選擇創造!!!!✨ 🌟 你願意讓你的不同展現了嗎?


我是來自台灣的Christina~如君,提供講授Access Consciousness®的國際認證Foundation基礎課程、RDD關係經營不一樣專題系列課程、成為你專題系列課程、Bars課程、Facelift面部提升課程、身體程序單元課程;也提供私人的收費個案,如:交響樂個案、Access的身體程序、虐待抱抱個案!歡迎聯繫我!開心有天可以與您相見喔,不論是在線上或在世界的某個地方見面唷!🌏🤗


What contribution can I be to YOU? 🧚‍♀️

What invitation can I be to YOU to create different possibilities?✨

Being in question!!! Ask and you shall receive!!!💕

Let's play with the Access Consciousness® tools, which empower you to acknowledge the more of YOU as an “infinite being” you truly be and the more of possibilities you could access!!!✨⭐✨

I wonder what energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries and possibilities can you be to YOURSELF  and to the Earth & Universe? 🤩

All of life comes to us with ease, joy and glory®!! 💝

Choice creates!!!! 🌟 

What would you choose in your everyday life, or in next ten seconds?💫☺️✨

I am Christina Chiu from Taiwan. I’m offering the Access Consciousness® Foundation, Relationships Done different Specialty Classes, Being You Specialty Classes, Bars, Facelift courses, body process class and the private sessions with Symphony energy, body processes, Abuse Hold session too! Feel free to contact me! Happy to see you in person or online somewhere around the world. 🌏 🤗

With Gratitude, Christina 😍

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{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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