ESSE Horse - Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment

ESSE Horse

Horses receive the ESSE work with great pleasure, and the changes possible are immense. You do not have to be a horse person to participate in this two-day class; people have said that working on the horses gave them more insight into their lives and bodywork/energy work.
Horses do not lie, and the gift they are to us when we engage with them in the present moment is incredible.

Horses who have received ESSE sessions have shown the following:
• Renewed connection & responsiveness to rider
• Greater ease and range of movement
• Enhanced behavior and overall attitude

You will be able to bring your horse to most class settings!

Предварительные условия

«Основы» или «Глобальные Основы».


Вы можете найти вашу индивидуальную стоимость класса и применяемые расценки после регистрации в разделе «Мои классы», «Оплатить» (My Classes, Make a Payment).

К сожалению, подходящих классов и мероприятий нет.

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