The Magic of You and Your Body

Are you ready to explore … laugh ... relax … and enjoy the gift of your body?

Our bodies are always there for us, supporting us in everything we choose. And, they are continually giving us information. This information can sometimes show up in ways that we interpret as pain or sickness. 

Rather than looking for how to fix the pains and problems of your body, what if you and your body could just play together and see what gets created or changed along the way? It is a different energy when you just play with your body without going into right and wrong, good and bad, problem or no problem.

Did you know that your body has its own consciousness? What if it became your best friend and you honoured it by enjoying a playful discovery of possibilities together?

Oftentimes, we are in conflict with our bodies, thinking that if we ate and drank only what it wanted, or moved in the ways and times it desired, we wouldn’t get what we desired and it becomes either you win or your body wins. What if it wasn’t about that? When you work with your body instead of against it, things always work out greater. 

You always know when you have chosen something that your body didn’t desire, such as when you ate too much and you felt sick and bloated afterwards, or you drank a few too many drinks and had a pounding headache the next day. How can you start to work with your body up front to make harmonious choices that allow you to thrive? The simple answer istalk to it! Ask it questions. Start exploring what your body would like to eat, where it would like to go, and what movement it enjoys.

Here are some questions you can start asking:

Body, would you like to eat/drink something? What would you like to eat/drink?
Body, would you like to move? What movement would you like to do?
Body, are you tired? Would you like to sleep now?
Body, where would you like to go that would be a contribution to you today?

And, if you are experiencing pain or sickness, you can ask:

Body, what information are you giving me?

You can basically ask your body anything, so that you can navigate your life and living harmoniously together. Notice what lights your body up. Explore things that are nurturing to it, like body processes, and if it’s something your body really likes, why not choose more of it? Trust that with question, patience and enthusiasm for new possibilities, you can play and explore your way to a level of intimacy with your body that you’ve never before experienced.

Find out more about Wendy Mulder

Author Acknowledgement – Special Thanks to Wendy Mulder for this beautiful invitation to bodies and having more magic with them.