“Never judge a book by it’s cover”
That's my future world I’m asking to create.
Where we can be present with what is actually going on.
Where we can be aware of what IS beneath the cover.
Where judgement isn’t the reality we choose.
From a really young age I preferred communicating through energy rather than words. Awareness was like second nature to me. One of the capacities I have is my hands. I love to talk with my hands. It seems to create space and for me, allows me to deliver information beyond the words, through energy, in a non-verbal way .
I always felt there was something missing. I studied art, took a degree level in sculpture and quite suddenly life became overwhelming and I had a nervous breakdown. What a gift I now know this was! It was in this moment that I realised the universe was speaking to me, telling me that I had to make a change.
I found Reiki and knew immediately that I had discovered something different in energy healing. 6 years later I decided to become a Reiki master. When I told my mum, she laughed … ‘you don't need training, you have naturally healing hands’. Apparently when I was 3, a friend came over complaining of earache, I went and put my hands over her ears, held them there for a bit, then said ‘that’s all better now’. She went home, had the best night's sleep ever - her earache had totally gone
The universe has our back too
Working in a cash office, picking up bags of hundreds of pounds of cash, I hurt my back and was literally ‘put onto my back’ for a while. I had to make a decision around my work and health so I chose to move to into IT. I now see that this was no coincidence – in fact, again such a gift. Here I made a very good friend who introduced me to all kinds of holistic healing which all led me to discover Access Consciousness. Today I absolutely love being a Certified Facilitator for Access Consciousness.
It was after my dad passed I could feel myself going back into that contracting and stress. And this time I got it – I knew that it was time to be doing what I was supposed to be doing. The time to create new choices and life paths had come. So I left my well paid job in IT and started my holistic practice. Initially I was a bit naïve, didn’t manage my finances so the income started going down. 5 years later I decided to go back into IT driven by the need for money, not trusting myself to make it – no jobs transpired. And then, when I was literally down to my last £100 I jumped back into my therapist role and everywhere I went I seemed to bump into Access Bars.
What you resist persists.
I was moaning about my money issue and a friend suggested I have my Bars run. Of course - I said I can't afford it 😊 We did an exchange and the world opened up. Books, videos, Bars sessions and finally - after I got over my I can’t afford it (actually after the price went up) I took my first bars class. And there I received my favourite tool – know, be, perceive and receive …. All of me. I created my clearings and started to use this dynamically to change my life. Now I know the point is that I can create money, or lose money.
Introducing Tranquil Serenity.
I have always loved being in nature with love trees and plants and this is where the core of tranquil serenity can be found. This is my business and we have been open for 12 years now. I see it as bigger than just me - Rosie Brown. In time, it will be a holistic place where people could come and be tranquil, can choose serenity. But mostly - and I've always done this even when I worked in corporate - it’s about empowering people. So Access was the perfect fit for me - Empowering people to know that they know. Supported by a whole lot of tools to use to change whatever doesn’t work.
Open the book and see what’s beneath the cover.
Whether you come from a family background where you fought to find your worth, the working world where stress is common place, society where you are different and seem to underachieve and feel like failure is always at your doorstep. I get you.
Coming from a family of 8 kids and being a twin myself, I know finding all of you this is no easy task. Working to make ends meet and make money with ease. Going beyond the feelings of underachieving and the habit of belittling yourself. Getting out of your pigeonhole?
I choose to create possibilities and become something greater. To see the lightness in life, to have a life that is more about fun? To create the adventures of living.
Would you like to work with me?
I like to work with people who have questions, who are seekers. Who are willing to bypass discomfort and conclusions. Willing to choose an unconventional way. Who are interested in an energetically process – what feels right and congruent. I say that rules are meant to be broken – if there is a gap to be taken, jump at it. Go outside the box. Never stay inside. Look for something completely different. Use your imagination and look at what’s next.
Embrace the energy of you.
So, are you looking for someone who will show you when you underestimate your capacity?
Someone who does not judge a book by it’s cover. Someone that sees your story from the journey and adventures of your life. A space in Tranquil Serenity complete allowance and no judgement.
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As Barras de Access são a espinha dorsal e a fundação de Access Consciousness. Elas podem ser o ponto de partida de uma grande aventura e pode ser algo que você inclui na sua vida que o ajudará a criar uma grande facilidade com tudo. As Barras são 32 pontos únicos na cabeça que estão relacionados a diferentes áreas e aspectos da vida. Toque uma Barra e você começará a limpar a energia presa àquela área ou àquele aspecto de sua vida, apenas por tocá-la.
Esta classe desfaz as bases da limitação com que você pensa que tem que viver, como se não tivesse outra escolha! É oferecida por facilitadores certificados de Access em todo o mundo e é uma exploração intensa, de 4 dias, do que mais é possível. A classe cria consciência do fundamento da consciência que você ainda não está usando em sua vida!
Bem-vindo à essa classe introdutória baseada no livro Sendo você, mudando o mundo e nas classes do Dr. Dain Heer, bem como na incrível caixa de ferramentas de Access Consciousness.
Isso tudo pode lhe proporcionar uma experiência energética de ser que você não encontrará em nenhum outro lugar.
Bem-vindo à essa classe de um dia baseada no livro e nas classes de Dain Heer "Sendo você, mudando o mundo", que usam a caixa de ferramentas de Access Consciousness.
Essas classes são facilitadas no mundo inteiro e podem lhe proporcionar uma experiência energética de ser que você não encontrará em nenhum outro lugar...