Jayne Micallef, CFMW

Jayne Micallef

A warm-hearted welcome! Now is YOUR time!

Discover endless possibilities of Access Bars for YOU. So that you can create more joy and ease in your life!

What if there’s more to life than trauma and drama, hardship and struggle?

When I came across Access Consciousness and started playing with the Access Bars and the tools in the Bars manual, everything changed for me. Things got easier, and I reacted less and less to what was happening around me. I started to get clear on what I would like my life to be like and how to create that. Relaxation, receiving, and peace were natural by-products of my new choices.

In 2012, I created Access Joyful Body so that I could start sharing Access Bars and other dynamic Access classes with others who were curious, the seekers who knew something else was possible but hadn’t had the methods to access that. 

Are you ready for something different?

If you’re new to Access, a great place to start is the Access Bars. You can experience this in a Bars session or dive right in with the life-changing practitioner training. 🚀

Money, relationships, body, business – what else is possible?

If you’ve already discovered the life-changing benefits of the Bars and are looking for more Access magic, then these classes could be for you.

Access Energetic Facelift 

Correcting Vision 

Access Body Processes 

Based in East Croydon. We offer classes on weekdays and weekends, covering London and most UK locations on Request.

You will find some classes below and lots more on our events page. 🎯

I look forward to meeting you.

What else is possible now?

With joy,

Jayne 💖 xXx

P.S. Find out what is changing for people; Check out our 5-Star Reviews!!

All of life comes to Us with Ease, Joy & Glory!



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Próximas aulas

Data Evento Facilitador Host Localização Médio
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{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

Nenhuma aula para exibir.

“Jayne, I am so grateful I found you and was able to get to your Bars class my creativity has gone through the ROOF amazing things are showing up I feel awesome...thank you so much!”

- Client testimonial


Minhas aulas

Classe de Barras de Access

As Barras de Access são a espinha dorsal e a fundação de Access Consciousness. Elas podem ser o ponto de partida de uma grande aventura e pode ser algo que você inclui na sua vida que o ajudará a criar uma grande facilidade com tudo. As Barras são 32 pontos únicos na cabeça que estão relacionados a diferentes áreas e aspectos da vida. Toque uma Barra e você começará a limpar a energia presa àquela área ou àquele aspecto de sua vida, apenas por tocá-la.

Access Facelift

O Access Facelift é uma maneira maravilhosa de rejuvenescer o rosto e reverter os sinais do envelhecimento do rosto e de todo o corpo. O suave toque calmante aplicado ao seu rosto e pescoço age nas células do seu corpo para restaurar, estimular e rejuvenescer.

Corrigindo a Visão

Faça como um processo com imposição de mãos para corrigir a visão.

Dar e Receber Barras de Access

Aplicar e receber Barras de Access é um processo incrivelmente energizante e gentil para você e seu corpo. Você começa a abrir as portas para a unidade - onde tudo existe sem julgamento. Em um evento de Dar e Receber Barras, você será capaz de trocar barras com outros praticantes de sua região. É uma maneira incrível de correr suas barras com frequência!