The Second Annual International Being You Day, May 22nd 2022


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This year on May 22nd, the second annual International Being You Day will take place. Pioneered by Dr. Dain Heer, the day was created to explore what it truly means to be you, beyond the images, filters, and need for perfection, to discover the beauty of you and your unique capabilities, and to celebrate everyone’s differences.

“What if we could come together for a day and not have to pretend to be someone we are not? That we could drop the masks, explore what it means to truly be us and to celebrate our differences?” shares Dr. Dain Heer, creator of International Being You Day. “Let’s consider what May 22nd could look like if we all walked around without wrongness – just fully accepting ourselves and those around us, in spite of all our imperfections and messy glory?”

Twenty years ago, Dr. Dain Heer was in such judgment of himself, overwhelmed with trying to fit in, that the exhaustion took its toll, and he wanted to end his life. Since making the choice to live, he has dedicated his life’s work to lead other people out of judgment and into an appreciation of themselves.

“My hope for this day is that people know they are not wrong and that their perceived wrongness is their strongness. I want everyone to know no matter what is going on in the world, you still have you, and a greater sense of possibilities still exists!”

How it all started?

In 2011, Dr. Dain Heer wrote a book called Being You, Changing the World. Over the years, it became a bestseller, translated into over 17 languages, and turned into a series of seminars and workshops with over 100 trained facilitators. It is becoming a Being You movement, created by people’s demand to be themselves, to be their greatness and their difference.

What is Being You?

Being You isn’t about getting it all right. It’s about exploring you, creating you, and being the energy of you, whatever that may look like in any given situation. When you start being you, you stop being the effect of the world around you. You’re in the driver’s seat, you know deep within that any situation can be changed – and that your choices create the world and future.

Dr. Dain Heer adds, “When you are truly being you, you have a sense of peace, and you like that person you see when you look in the mirror. You have a sense of being happy and know you can create whatever you want and that you can easily change whatever isn’t working. It is an energy that fills you from within. You stop looking for problems or for an outside source, or for someone to save you. Being You is an exploration! It is an ongoing journey.”


Dain Heer is a best-selling author, change-maker, speaker, and co-creator of Access Consciousness, one of the largest personal development companies practiced in 176 countries. For more than twenty years, Heer has traveled the world, sharing his unique insights on happiness, relationships, getting unstuck from the yuck, and everything in between!

Growing up in the ghetto in Los Angeles, Heer was exposed to constant abuse however he never chose to be a victim. In his talks and workshops, he uses a set of tools and provides step by step energetic processes to get people out of the conclusions and judgments that are keeping them stuck on a cycle of no choice and no change – leading them into moments of awe that they have the power to change anything.


For more information, interviews, and photos, please contact Justine at McKell Media.


From Oscar to Grammy speeches, the Being You message is spreading. Below are some media that have featured the International Being You Day. Watch, read, and listen to Dr. Dain Heer talking about the power of authenticity and the importance of being you.

4 Unconventional Choices to Change Your Life | THRIVEGLOBAL
The most joyful route you can take to creating change...
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How to love yourself | GOOD MAGAZINE
You don’t need to be fixed or get you ‘right’...
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Being The Authentic You | THRIVEGLOBAL
Being More You: 3 Key Steps...
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How to stop self-sabotaging and being your own worst enemy | BODY AND SOUL
Stop beating yourself up and creating barriers where there aren’t any...
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