Due to Covid-19, there are currently a lot of changes to how we work, and to our global live classes.

Canceled classes

If a class is canceled, moved, or postponed, we will let all participants know via email as soon as possible.

*For local classes, please contact your local class host or facilitator!

What about Access Bars and Access Body classes?

Access Bars and Access Body classes will NOT be offered online. However, there’s a possibility of buying a previous ONLINE ACCESS BARS CLASS from the shop if you and a friend choose to do it together.

Join us from home

There are many possibilities, including Online Classes, Telecalls, Online Training and more! Check it out here:


What else is possible?

There are so many tools to use in times of turmoil. Here are 3 FREE ones that you could start using… today!

What if you are the change and the difference the world requires right now?

The Access Consciousness® team