What if we always listened to our bodies?

Do you always listen to your body, or do you find reasons to not to?

As I am writing this, I have just changed my hotel reservation in Tokyo for my trip there next month. I made a booking at a different hotel. Here’s the story, I normally have a preference to book my accommodation near to the place that I will be doing my class. I have my reasons, e.g. I want to save money, I don’t have to wake up so early, this is more convenient, yada yada yada… Do you notice the keywords here? “Preference” and “reasons”.

As I was searching for a hotel in Tokyo, I found a place that my mind was saying “good deal”, everything looked good, so I booked it, but I didn’t feel any sense of joy or lightness in me with this decision. It’s a decision that was made without asking my body, even though this is about my body, where my body is staying and resting. It was made based on logic, reasons, and justifications.

How often do we choose what we think is “right” based on our thinking? Not to say that this will turn out bad, but how often after you made a decision like this, you kept thinking about it, not feeling easy? This is actually where you (and your body, if this is something that involves your body) know something. Your body is always communicating with you, but how often do we not listen, because we have our good reasons and logic in our mind why we should choose something, or why it’s right to choose something?

I knew my body wanted something different, logically I didn’t necessarily know why, but I had had enough experiences in the past that when I chose something that worked well with my body, those experiences were so amazing, sometimes even life-changing, and also the opposite, whenever I chose something that felt heavy for my body, not only I didn’t enjoy those moment, I ended up judging myself.

So, I followed my body awareness, I found a different place, just by looking at it and feeling it, my body became so relaxed, and so was my mind. Thank you body, for communicating clearly what you desire and what would expand my life.

What if we always listened to our bodies? Take a moment to recall all those moments you had chosen something that created a sense of lightness in your world and with your body, do you notice that it always led you to something that expanded your world? This is my invitation for you today, to explore what your body desires, be willing to listen, and honour your body. Your body is a miraculous gift to you, are you willing to receive this gift? What would your life be like if you had communion, communication and ease with your body?

Find out more about Ryan Tee

Author Acknowledgement – Special Thanks to Ryan Tee for this amazing invitation to bodies and the joy we can have with them.