Sandie Hum

Sandie Hum

Free San Francisco Bay Access Bars Clinic

Would you like to experience a free session of Access Bars? Come to our Free San Francisco Bay Access Bars Clinic on September 7th!

When I discovered Access Bars, I loved that not only could I relax in receiving, I could do it in gifting as well. Unlike other modalities there wasn't a whole lot that I had to do, simply to learn the points on the head to hold. How refreshing!

Since then I have taken a whole range of class offerings, including Symphony of Possibilities classes and Symphony Maestro. All have lived up to the Access mantra, "All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!"

I enjoy being able to pass on the gifts to others and delight in their discovery of the versatile and powerful tools of Access. Come join me in the adventure and explore the magic that is you! What surprises might you discover?

What Happy Peeps Say 😃

"We truly enjoyed the experience of the Bars and I could not recommend that more to everyone I talked to since then. I had such an amazing response to the session! Restfulness, I slept amazingly and felt taller and lighter! And have been able go into meditation so much easier! Amazing!! Thank you again for all you do."
~ Sascha

"It was a magical day. Thank you again for being such a wonderful and inspiring facilitator. You really created an amazingly expansive and magical space!"
~ Kasey Capener
"Thank you for the class today.  
Your teaching was thorough and fun. I appreciated your joy
 How much peace and joy can we bring to others?"
~ Andrea Vitz, D.C.





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“The aim of life is to live and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, divinely aware.”

- Henry Miller
