Stepping Into Being You With a CF

Based on the book “Being You Changing the World” by Dr. Dain Heer

This class is created to take you from running your life on autopilot into becoming fully alive and more of you!

Being you isn’t about getting it right. It’s about being the energy of you, whatever that may be in any situation. When you start being you, you stop being the effect of the world around you and you start to create your life and know that any situation is changeable.

What are some of the topics discussed in this class?

  • Being you and having ease in any situation
  • Asking questions to change anything
  • Tools to destroy limitation
  • Knowing what’s true for you
  • Finding you
  • How to be in total allowance
  • Being unaffected by judgment

During the class, you’ll receive a mini-manual full of tools, questions, and exercises to play with and explore.

You may buy the Being You, Changing the World book before class if you wish, but it is not required. 

この本は、この現実での異なる機能の仕方をあなたに紹介します。Dr. デーン・ヒアは、無防備さ、明確さ、そしてユーモアをもって、自殺の直前からの過去17年以上に渡る個人的な変容を使って、実際に可能であるダイナミックな変化をあなたに見せていきます。



*You may also purchase the book from your facilitator.




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