Stephen Outram

Stephen Outram

Access Consciousness has a simple, yet dynamic set of tools and techniques that you can use to change any area of your life.

Presumptive & Reactive

Awareness is a funny thing; you get it when you get it.

The other day I was driving into a neighbouring suburb and commented to my passenger that there were not many electric scooters around. In past months there had been many of them parked upon sidewalks, driveways and randomly around the place. They were for rent, just pick one up, scan your card and go.

As we drove on, my passenger noted there were plenty of rental scooters around, brightly coloured and very obvious. She was right; I hadn’t seen them.

I began to talk about what an eyesore they were, like, scooter pollution. It was terrible that they were scattered around the place. Who wanted them? Bla, bla, bla. I was really on a roll.

Suddenly I became aware of how my presumption – there were not many scooters around – prevented me from seeing what is. Then, my unconscious reactions – pollution, it was terrible … .

None of this was mine! It was not even my neighbourhood, and I really didn’t have a point-of-view about scooters in this area. I was picking up the intense discontent that people living here had, about rental scooters littering their streets. It was shocking how quickly my presumption progressed to reactions that weren’t mine.

How aware are we and how many places do we do that – presume and react, and what does that create for us?

Access Consciousness' new discoveries, Presumptive Realities and Need of Reactive Realities, have been a game changer. What would a life without need-of-reaction be, and what different choices would that allow?

My Fav Access Consciousness Books!

Money Isn't the Problem, You Are

Money Isn't the Problem, You Are

It was this book that allowed me to see I was spending more than I was earning. It seems obvious, but it wasn't. I wasn't aware until one weekend, I laid out all my bank statements, receipts and payslips, and got clear on what it cost to run my life. From then on I had different choices and my wealth increased. I've never looked back.

Get your copy and begin changing your financial reality today..




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