Sara Jane Wellock

Sara Jane Wellock

Sara Jane is the Creatrix of an ongoing interactive performance piece called, The Living Blog. She typically practices Access Consciousness from her home in Chelsea, New York City. Sara Jane provides Symphony, Abuse Hold, & body process sessions & she is a Facilitator & Practitioner of Access Bars. She is the Founder/President of Ladybug Productions, Inc. She is the Director of Fun & Magic with The Parris Foundation. She is also the creator of Caress. Additionally Sara Jane is a matchmaker (romatic and professional). She is part of the Creative Edge of Consciousness, join us.

Sara Jane's early career was in Transformative Mediation, Conflict Resolution, & Bias Awareness including: leading workshops & trainings & mediating multiple cases over many years. She traveled to South Africa as part of a 4-year initiative to improve relations between the US & Africa and sat in on the Truth & Reconciliation Hearings. In 2000, she began exploring Vipassana Meditation, attending silent retreats (culminating with spending 28 consecutive days in silence), & beginning her daily meditation practice (which she continues to this day). She has published writing across disciplines (poetic & technical) & across formats. Sara Jane trained as a Moksha/Modo Yoga Teacher & spent 7 years training in Somatic Experiencing. She also practiced Authentic Writing in Woodstock, New York. She later discovered Self-Revelatory Theater (Life Stories, Berkeley, California) & Erotic Dance (S Factor in NYC/SF, Polarity Palace & Full Circle in NYC). She studied with Judy Gold at Primary Stages in NYC for two years and she is currently working with Rick Crom at the Comedy Cellar. After graduating from The School of Womanly Arts (Mastery & Creation), Altru Center (levels 1-3 & Masters Course), The Academy with Kasia Urbaniak, & being a practitioner of Orgasmic Meditation, Sara Jane combines all of her skills & experiences to discover: "How does it get any better than this?" ~Access Consciousness 


Symphony: "I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be brought back to myself in session. I was reacquainted with the deep, visceral feeling of what it is like to be respected and have respect for myself … and I did get a glimpse of how much more is possible and how different life could feel. Profound.” 

Romantic matchmaking: “What a lovely man! Another gem, Sara Jane. I am grateful. It’s really healing to be flooded with great men.”

Access Bars: “Fell blissfully asleep.” 

Professional matchmaking: “She was in a big hole, did not seem to find a way out and Sara Jane threw her a rope to climb out!! It was quite unbelievable to see how helpful, involved, and supportive she has been through this whole process.” 

Symphony: “I felt touched energetically to my core, I felt held and seen throughout the experience, as if Sara Jane could read my mind and move thoughts … I then slipped into a free of worries nap and woke up feeling there were infinite possibilities before me!”

Caress: “So much appreciated the way you guided us and how it made me start the day!”

Symphony: “Thank you! You are brilliant!”

The Living Blog: "There wasn't a dry seat in the house."

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