Liron Alon

Liron Alon

Hi! My name is Liron. Welcome to my profile!

Here is my story in a nutshell. Does any of it resonate with you?

Back in 2019, I had been working at a typical 9-5 corporate job for about 4 years and I was hating. my. life! I was freshly in my 30's and was miserable! I remember thinking to myself: "Oh my god, is this how it will be until I die?? Because if so, I'm won't last much longer in this life."

Then I had my first Bars session... 

Within minutes of the session, I felt my body relax, my mind was at ease, and I was becoming aware of all the space expanding within me. I remember opening my eyes at the end of the session and saying out loud "wow! I'm doing it! I'm quitting my job. I'm going to Costa Rica for 3 months, and I'm going to fall in love with life again!"; All the things I always wanted to do but thought they were out of my reach. (Note: I am NOT telling you to quit your job!)

It took another 1 or 2 sessions, and by January of 2020, I was already in Costa Rica, and my life will have changed forever. 

For me, Access Consciousness reminded me of what I already knew but had forgotten, as many of us do, how magical and amazing life is! How precious it is, and how we have the power to make it whatever we want it to be. I always knew that to be true, but never felt like it was actually possible; not until my first Bars session in 2019. 

Access Consciousness empowers us to know what we know. It expands awareness beyond the doubts and limiting beliefs.  

What else is possible? And what grand and glorious adventures await? ®

A közeljövőben induló osztályok

Dátum Esemény Facilitátor Házigazda Helyszín Média
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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Access Bars tanfolyam

Az Access Bars® az Access Consciousness középpontja és alapja. Egy nagyszerű kaland kiindulópontja lehet, olyasmi, amit hozzáadhatsz az életedhez, hogy segítsen nagyobb könnyedséget teremteni mindennel. A bárok a fejen elhelyezkedő 32 különböző pont, amelyek az élet különböző területeivel és vonatkozásaival vannak összefüggésben. Egy bár megérintésével elkezded kitisztítani az adott életterületen vagy vonatkozásban megrekedt energiát, csak azáltal, hogy megérinted.