Kelly Smith

Kelly Smith

Are you seeking alignment with your Higher Self? Do you want more of the authentic YOU to show up in life? Is it time to peel back all the limiting beliefs and rediscover what you've always known is really possible for you and your life?

My passion has always been about empowering people with tools that are tangible and produce big results. When I found Access Consciousness I utilized the tools to heal from a very stressful situatation that left me with PTSD. The results were so powerful, including getting excitment back about creating my life! As a Holistic Practitioner it was clear I was going to be on the fast-track to get certified and teach the Bars class and offer Bars sessions. I am so excited to connect with people who are drawn to this work and want to get started melting away limiting beliefs and rocket themselves into the next dimension of consciousness. 

Are you curious about what's really possible for you and your life?  Have you ever worked with energy healing to keep you healthy, happy and prosperous?   

My rich and illustrious background:

Re-Evaluation Counselor

Massage Therapist & Reiki Master

Avatar Master

Landmark Worldwide Graduate

Author of "Jane in the Jungle"

Life Coach 

Inspirational Speaker

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A közeljövőben induló osztályok

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Nincs megjeleníthető osztály.

“Authenticity Breeds Success”

- Kelly Smith
