Johann Stark

Johann Stark

36 years

German, English, Spanish, Turkish




Servus, Hallo, Hi, Hola, Merhaba!

My name is Johann and actually I am 36 years old. I started personality development in June 2021. My first touching point with the bars was in November 2022. I got the missing two courses for being facilitator in January 2023, where I met the amazing Malena Schulz.

So booth of us got the same vision and we are a great team.

We would like to share our positivity and energy with you all over the world - if you are interested.

Are you interested?

I am looking forward to see you soon.

 Wish you all the best and have a great time!

What else is possible?

Lovely Greetings Johann 

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A közeljövőben induló osztályok

Dátum Esemény Facilitátor Házigazda Helyszín Média
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

Nincs megjeleníthető osztály.

“If you’re willing to receive the freedom of life, then money has no value to you.”

- Gary M. Douglas
