Mary Case

Mary Case

My interest in Access Consciousness began when I was recovering from a motor vehicle accident many years ago.  At the time I had many roles, including “being” a professional violinist, a school music teacher, a mom. a wife and a triathlete. I heard about the “Bars” and because I was not able to play the violin or train in my sport due to injury, I chose to take the class.


Prior to Access I had worked with many different modalities. I studied yoga and meditation and was always taking courses of some kind, in a search for a sense of peace and ease.


The Bars class changed my life. Since then, I have learned to live in the question, I have greater ease in all areas of my life, I have been able to return to professional playing, I choose to create dynamic relationships that nourish me and I have discovered and acknowledged my gifts as a healer, teacher and facilitator.


It was my interest in teaching especially of those often labeled as different. perhaps as ADD, ADHD, OCD, or Autism, that led me to start offering coaching sessions for Neurodivergent Thinkers. The ease that Access Bars, Body work, and coaching can provide for kids and adults alike, who struggle with these "labels", continues to inspire me.


What would it take for you to join me in a class?


I look forward to meeting you.


Mary Case

Special areas of interest:

"The Access Athlete"  Creating greater ease in sports,competition and performance.  

Neurodivergence.  What if A.D.D.  A.D.H D. O.C.D.  and Autism was not  wrong?

Access for Educators:  What do you know that no one educated you on?  Speciality class. 

Body Process and Access Energetic Facelift Facilitator.

Business Coaching using the tools of Access Consciousness.

Bodies.Bodies.Bodies.  Body Process Classes/Access Facelift Classes and private sessions.


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My Classes

קורס אקסס בארס

אקסס בארס הוא הליבה והיסוד של אקסס קונשסנס. זה יכול להיות נקודת התחלה של הרפתקאה מופלאה ויכול להיות משהו שאתה מוסיף לחיים שלך שיסייע לך ליצור יותר קלילות עם כל דבר. הבארס הן 32 נקודות ייחודיות על הראש שמתקשרות לתחומים ואספקטים שונים בחיים. במגע עם באר אחד, אתה מתחיל לנקות את האנרגיה שנעולה באספקט החיים הזה, רק מעצם המגע.

מתיחת פנים של אקסס

מתיחת הפנים של אקסס היא דרך נהדרת להצעיר את הפנים ולהחזיר לאחור את סימני הזמן הניכרים בפנים ובגוף. המגע העדין והמלטף בפנים ובצוואר עובד עם תאי הגוף שלך על מנת לשחזר, להמריץ ולהצעיר