Conscious Horse, Conscious Rider 2 Day Class

Welcome to the Conscious Horse, Conscious Rider!

Conscious Horse, Conscious Rider is THE clinic for horse lovers and everyone who would like more connection with horses. International horse medium and author Gary Douglas has trained facilitators to give this fascinating equine workshop.

Conscious Horse, Conscious Rider combines stunning and unique outlooks on communicating with horses, to improve the performance of both horse and rider. Included are instructions in applying hands-on techniques. Is your horse having difficulty and not responding to conventional treatment or techniques? This can really give you a different outlook on what else is possible!

Both horse and rider are being worked on which has facilitated remarkable change in many areas. Develop a deeper connection with the animals, the ability to talk to, and hear them, and to facilitate a different possibility.




Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under Billing & Payments after registering. Please pay the facilitator directly.


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