Bodies Love Space

Are you trying to fix your body or someone else's?

Warmer weather is here, a free and easy time when fewer clothes are necessary, and you reveal more of your body to the world. Unfortunately, this can cause angst for some people. The advertising industry and media know how to exploit these insecurities and fears in subtle ways. They focus on the perfect beach body and beating the 'winter bulge'.

These messages often spark self-judgment. Every time you look in the mirror, do you critically evaluate different parts of the body: bellies, thighs, buttocks  ―  and invariably go into fix-it mode? Have you imposed a diet or exercise routine on your body?

What would it be like to ask the body, 'What else is possible?' And listen to the body's wisdom. Food is not the only component that creates weight. I'm not saying my body is perfect. Nor do I have all the answers. Over the years, I've been diligently using some tools from Access Consciousness to create a different relationship with my body, and that's what I would like to share with you.

Bodies Love Space

What would it be like to no longer judge the body and have less thinking going on?

Our bodies love the sense of space, yet we learn to pile on the judgments early on. Every time you or someone else judges your body, it contracts the cellular structure of your body. Instead of moving freely in space, the molecules become rigid. Judgment glues the molecules together, leading to restricted movement and dis-ease. Where, in your body, do you store judgment? Everyone has different areas.

Bodies are Conscious Listeners

If our bodies are conscious and aware, you may wonder, why don't you have the ideal beach body?

Your body does its best to deliver what you are actually asking for – it listens to your internal monologue.

If you bombard your body with judgment all day long, the body will do its best to fulfill them. Most people don't realize they may end up creating extra weight, wrinkles, and signs of aging – the very thing they are trying to avoid – in fact.

How could you turn this around? Being willing to have less judgment is easier said than done, but it's not impossible. You have to be vigilant with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. For a start, could you drop some of the judgments that come up when looking at yourself in the mirror? Could you have more allowance for the body you created from your point of view?

Making a Connection

What would it create to be with the body without a point of view? The less baggage you have, the easier it becomes to tune into your body like an animal or a friend. From there, you can ask to be aware of the energies your body desires, be that with food, movement, sex, or even bodywork. Again, don't expect this to be instantaneous. Be patient and kind with your body, and you will begin to reap the rewards.

I have been working with the energies of Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment (ESSE) for several years. In these classes, participants learn to connect with their bodies differently. We don't try to fix the body.

It is about being present and allowing the molecules to have a different conversation, especially if you repeatedly judge that area of the body. As you recognize that your body isn't a problem to fix, it will get easier to have more curiosity and enjoy the body you have created.

Find out more about Suzy Godsey

Author Acknowledgement – Special Thanks to Suzy Godsey for yummy invitation to bodies and what being in communion with them can create.