Ritu Chopra

RITU chopra

What if you could get out of your own way and truly be who you are? What if all the wrongness of you that you have bought into was actuality a strongness of you? What would your life look like if you had unlimitied choice and possibility?

These were just some of the questions that I came across as I delved deeper into Access Consciousness and its tools. Questions that changed everything in my life and created so much space, which allowed for so much change.

Hi My name is Ritu Chopra and I am currently an Access  Bars Facilitator and Practitioner.

Having spent 20 years working in the corporate world of Shopping Mall Management I decided to take a sabbatical! that was four years ago! guess I can't really call it a sabbatical anymore as I have no intention of going back to who I used to be. 

I never really came from traditional conventional thinking to begin with and always felt that I had to confirm to the dictates of society to fit into it, this never really worked for me since I felt just about as comfortable as a square peg jammed into a round hole!. Not a very comfortable fit right?!. Although overall I have a wonderful life and family which I am always grateful for. I need to be more than just a mother and wife. 

I have always been outside the norm of what people consider a typical person, always too loud, too brash, too confident, too independent, too headstrong, too opinionated, too out there, too driven, too much in everyway possible. I think I intimidated a lot of people. I would consider myself spiritually inclined but never religious. I always felt that I never really 'fit in' anywhere, and actually felt like an outlier most of my life. It was as if I had to diminish who I truly was to fit into normal society. 

It was not until I found Access Consciousness that I realized that there was actually nothing 'wrong' with me and that all the things I considered abnormal about myself were actually my strengths and not my weaknesses. Access gave me the tools to be all I can be with no judgement.

Access gave me a lot of understanding about myself, my world and my reality as well as everyone else's around me. 

It all started with getting my Bars run! suddenly I had clarity in my world and things started falling into place so to speak. There was so much ease with everything and I was able to see all the possibilities that were there in my life and living. This led me to becoming a Bars practitioner and then a facilitator. 

The Bars and Access Consciousness gave me practical tools and processes to use in my daily life and living. Each new day brings new adventures and new possibilities which has expanded so much in me and my life. 

If you wish to have a life that is filled with unlimited choice a possibility, an exhuberant life, a life where you thrive and not just strive to live, then I invite you to join me in exploring all the possiblities there are for an unlimited life and living. What change, magic, miracle and possiblity will that create in your world?

All of life comes to me with easy and joy and glory!

I offer private sessions on: 

  • Access Bars
  • Access Energetic Facelift
  • Various Body Processes for healing

I also offer classes on

  • Access Bars Class - 1Day class
  • Introductory sessions to Access Bars 
  • Introductory Classes based on various Access Consciousness books 

If you would like to know more about my classes please get in touch with me or follow me on Instagram @infinitely_ritz 

I look forward to meeting you someday.

How does it get any better than this?


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