Maša Plaznik

Masa Plaznik

Would You like to have more fun in Your life? 😄 Look at Yourself... do You get that there is more avaliable for You? Or maby You remember how it was, when You really have it all? Those moments in Your life when You had fun and You had all You desired?

I would like to share with You all the access tools, that helped me to have more me, more fun, more ease, joy and glory.

When you live your life just like the way you are, than everythnig is possible.

You can shine your light and be yourself in everything you choose. I've chosen it and every day I got more of me. I know you can do it to 😜

Since 2014 when I've done my first access bars class I knew that the bars and the tools of access can bring me more lightness, happiness, joy and more money into my everyday life. So I started going to classes... first the bars, then foundation and the 3 day body class. I felt such a difference in my world after my bars and after foundation, that I just wanted to share this with everybody.

Before coming to access classess I struggled with anxiety, depression and heart arrhythmia. After my first bars class the arrhythmia was gone. And after my first foundation (which I took right after becoming a bars facilitator) my depression was gone.

That's why I became an access bars facilitator after only 2 months after my first bars class.  Till now I facilitated more than a 100 bars classes and I love to see people and the changes they are choosing during the bars class and after that. The smiles on their faces are such a gift.

So for 9 years, every year I've done at least one foundation class and other advanced access classes. But of all, the foundation is my favourite class. The ease you get when you choose this class is amaizing and indescribable.

It took me a long way (10 years of access) to choose to step up, to go beyond my fears and shadows and become an access certified facilitator. It was the best choice of my life.

I have so much joy that I just cannot stop laughing.

  • What if I told you, that you can smile and have joy in your life, that you have never experienced?
  • What are your gifts, that you did not acknowledge jet?
  • What are the infinite possibilities for you to be joy?
  • What can you choose today, that will get you into more of you?

If you feel light for me to facilitate you into more of you, please feel free to contact me. I will love to be part of your world and facilitate you into the reality of you :-)

I speak fluently Slovenian, English, Italian and Croatian, so facilitation in these languages is a lot of fun for me. If you would like to host me for a class, I will be very happy to come all over the world.

How does it get any better than this?

What are the infinite possibilities for more awareness in the wolrd?

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Date Événement Facilitateur Hôte Localisation Méthode
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“When you choose something for real, nothing can stop you from becoming it. :)”

- Maša Plaznik


Mes cours


Les Access Bars® sont le coeur même et la fondation d'Access Consciousness. Cela peut être le point de démarrage d'une grande aventure et cela peut être quelque chose que tu ajoutes à ta vie et qui t'aidera à créer plus d'aisance avec absolument tout.
Les Bars® sont 32 points uniques sur la tête qui sont corrélés à différents domaines ou aspects de la vie. Touche une Bar et tu commences à faire partir l'énergie vérrouillée dans ce domaine ou cet aspect de ta vie simplement en le touchant.

Lifting facial Access

Le Lifting facial Access est une manière merveilleuse de redynamiser ton visage et de renverser les signes du vieillissement sur le visage et à travers le corps tout entier.  Le toucher doux et apaisant appliqué sur ton visage et ton cou s'accorde avec les cellules de ton corps à restaurer, vivifier et régénérer.

Échange Access Bars

Échanger les Access Bars® est un processus incroyablement nourrissant et doux pour toi et ton corps.Tu commences à ouvrir les portes à l'unité - où tout existe sans jugement. À un échange de Bars, tu pourras échanger les bars avec d'autres praticiens de ta région. C'est un moyen formidable de recevoir les bars régulièrement !

Recevoir et donner des processus corporels Access

Les processus corporels d'Access Consciousness® te permettent d'augmenter la conscience de ton corps de manière à savoir quand il communique avec toi. Lors d'un échange de processus corporels, tu es capable de donner et recevoir les processus corporels que tu as appris lors d'une classe de processus corporels ou lors d'une classe Corps de 3 jours.

Journée mondiale Access Bars

Bienvenue à la célébration de la journée mondiale Access Bars ! Chaque année, nous consacrons une journée à célébrer le cadeau des Access Bars® ! Il s'agit d'une journée au cours de laquelle tu peux en apprendre davantage sur ce processus manuel doux appelé Access Bars. Découvre les histoires incroyables de changement, expérimente une séance d'Access Bars, et apprends-en davantage sur les outils d'Access Consciousness®.