Lela Thomas

Lela Thomas


Thank you for checking in!

I was born in Indiana, and living in Bali Indonesia! What could be better than that? I bring with me 40+ years of energetic healing modalities and have facilitated many a multi-dimensional transformation with my clients.

I have always been drawn to any teaching that put me in touch with my BEing. It all began with Yoga, Pranayama, Feldenkrais and Meditation. Various hands-on certifications including an 8-year study and practice to become a Reiki Teacher of Reiki. Onto 12 years of intense Advanced Energy Healing, the Eternal Breath (Signature of my delivery of change with the Breath, Rebirthing, ), Sound Healing, Trager, Healing Touch, Cranial Sacral, Brain Mind Balancing, QXCI/EPFX Quantum Biofeedback and a Masters in Divinity. All of these skills sit under my umbrella of Consciousness Is A Choice.

At the age of 3 a voice told me to take an action that prevented what could have been a deadly outcome for my mom and I.   I learned early in Life that the Universe, or God, has my back! This led to never planning my life. Following the energy brought me choices!  I was not always conscious enough to choose the one that would give me the most ease and be more pleasant for my life.  Some of my less bright choices could take months or years to change. I am grateful for the "10 second rule" of Access Consciousness!

Why wait around 'hoping and dreaming' something will change when we all know we are the ones that create the change! Now humanity is in an accelerating and interesting time, this calls for expansive measures to become the change we desire to see in the world. WE! are that change.

Access Conscious found me when I was going through some major shifting that left my multi-dimensional Being very uncomfortable. I was asking the Universe for a step up in Consciousness, not just for me but the whole planet. The answer came through a request to teach our spa therapist ‘energetic facelift’. I was skeptical, really Universe? I have some serious issues here!  Not that I wouldn't love a Face Lift...and Really? The Universe gave a distinct message the next day and  I called and asked what the core of the Energetic Facelift was, She replied "Access Consciousness The Bars".  I said, "that is what I want to experience".  Ha! I would say "Access Consciousness" could not be a clearer answer to my question "What will bring me and the planet more Consciousness"!!  I had never heard of it and my Body knew it was this, that I was looking for!    And! Later I found that Energetic Face Lift, IS An Amazing Body Process operating with many energies on multiple levels delivering dynamic change to the Body!

Well!....2012 Access Consciousness was in 25 countries, 2013~49; 2014~131; 2015~173; 2017~225 Countries and Territories!  Once again the Universe has my back!  What else is possible?

Access Bars Private Sessions are a wonderful, easy, and simple hands on way to quickly shift your Consciousness. The questions developed by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer and the powerhouse of Access Consciousness leaders, combined with the wild and wacky "clearing statement" speed up your allowance process! With these amazing tools you move into more Awareness and Consciousness at the speed you are willing to receive. No fuss, no drama, no trauma! How does it get even better than that? If you are addicted to drama and trauma this work is probably not for you. Having your Bars® run is like using a giant cosmic eraser for quick and easy transformation!

I have so much fun Facilitating the Core Classes of The Bars® and Foudation. These are prerequisites to attending the 2 Day Choice of Possibilities with Gary and Dain. 

Are you ready for the adventure of BEing YOU? Jump in! Keep checking the Access Consciousness timeline and locations for added classes, The Bars®,  Access Energetic Facelift, and all the Gifting and Receiving, Access Consciousness Body Processes, Money Classes, Book Club dates, Movies & Bars!, Shifting Molecules, Essence of Possibilities, Talking with the Entities, You & The Cosmos, and what else is possible?

Private Sessions and Skype sessions are available by appointment.

For Skype Sessions look for : Lela Thomas   Please be sure to state that this is a request for a session or more information.  There is a lot of spam out there and I block if the request is not clear.

Sign up for my Newsletter at http://www.Consciousness-Is-A-Choice.com  
Watch my calendar at the above and  http://www.AccessConsciousness.com  and and http://Taksuspa.com

Have Consciousness, will travel!

Someday, again you can find me in Indonesia, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vancover and the USA ~ Indiana, NY, DC, MD, FL, Washington, Mt Shasta and more about 9 weeks out of the year. Let me know if you are interested in me visiting your part of the world! Right now we can Zoom!!  How does it get better than that?

How does it get even better than this? What else is possible?
I look forward to connecting with you soon!
"ALL of Life comes to us with Ease! and Joy! and Glory!"



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A short video speaking about my time with a young Xman! What else is possible? How does it get better than that?

“"A phenomenal life goes beyond everything you’ve ever thought was real. It takes you out of probabilities into possibilities and goes to a place where you can create and generate something that’s beyond your imagination, beyond your capacity to perceive, beyond your capacity for creation of limitation." Gary Douglas, Founder of Access Consciousness”

- "Access Consciousness® for a Body and Life that is more fun to live in!" Lela

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