Diva Diaz

Diva Diaz

All of life comes to us with Ease, Joy & Glory!®


What if YOU were the one person who could change anything in your life that isn't working for you? 


What if YOU could thrive in any situation, especially with the changes that are going on in the world right now?


What if YOU were the most valuable product in YOUR life?


Before I discovered Access Consciousness I spent my life doing what worked for other people, what would make them happy, and I never once thought that I could be a priority. I also believed that if I were to prioritise myself, that it meant I would have to exclude people and things from my life. I later discovered that nothing could have been further from the truth. When you start to prioritise you, your life falls into place in magical ways, and everyone gets to receive from that.

These incredible classes offer pragmatic tools that are easy to apply every day in your life, and allow you to take the steps to create what you have always known should be possible but didn't think you could choose.


If you could have, change or create anything in your life, what would it be? Is now the time?


I am so grateful that I get to empower people through this work and see them thrive in their lives. If you get that this could be a contribution to you, then I hope to see you online or somewhere in the world!

​Diva x

Start Here!

  • Free Stuff - Video Introduction Classes on topics from Money, Neurodiversity and Business to Anti-Aging, that allow you to experience the tools of Access Consciousness
  • Upcoming Classes 






¡Todo en la vida viene a nosotros con Facilidad, Gozo y Gloria!®


Como sería si...


¿TU fueras la única persona que pudiera cambiar cualquier cosa en tu vida que no esta funcionando? 


¿TU pudieras prosperar en cualquier situación, especialmente con los cambios que se están dando en el mundo ahora? 


¿TU fueras el producto más valioso en TU vida? 


¿Estarías dispuesto a confiar en TI lo suficiente para saber que piedes ser, elegir y crear lo que quieras?


Las Barras de Access, Access Fundamento, y las clases especializadas y avanzadas ofrecen las herramientas que te permiten crear lo que siempre has sabido que es posible pero que no pensabas que podías elegir. 


Me encantaría compartir contigo las herramientas de Access Consciousnes que me han empoderado tanto y cambiado mi vida. 

¡Espero verte en línea or en alguna parte del mundo!

Diva x





"Diva is indescribable and undefinable. The invitation and joy that she is has given me the ease of choosing a totally different reality and possibilities. And one that works for me. She has... and continues to...empower me to have all of me. And her patience is astounding! Love ya!!
Thank you Diva! Thank you Consciousness!!"  - Aditi Iyer. Chennai, India.


"I've judged myself a lot around the topic of creation and didn't really get how everyone seemed to have ease and fun with it. I never really knew how to have fun with creation and this (class) has given me a lot more clarity around that. I received and perceived a lot of information on how I am able to be in creation. 

I would like to acknowledge the sweet and gentle energy that Diva delivers when she facilitates, and don't get me wrong she's absolutely willing to be fierce if that's what's required to move stuff! If you have ever wondered how you fit in or what else was possible and you haven't been able to find it yet, you might want to check out if these classes have something for you!" - Soren Lassen. Copenhagen, Denmark


"I have to say that I absolutely adored your energy and the invitation that you be in creating a space for people to share whatever came up with absolute ease. Thank you again." - Anna Fisher. England, United Kingdom.

Eileen talks about the Access Bars Class!

“Wow, I have just attended Access Consciousness Bars and Foundation classes over the last 3 days with Diva Diaz. I've worked with many therapies but have not found anything that is as powerful, potent and brings such easy transformative changes. I've shifted so much rubbish, feel light, expanded and more in touch with All that I Am. Infinite possibilities now available. How can it get any better than that?” ~ A.S, England

Dejana talks about Access and the Bars!

"I had the extreme good fortune to attend 4 days with Diva Diaz and am grateful for every moment. Diva not only holds the space for us to let go of lifetimes of thoughts feelings and emotions that have been keeping us stuck, she IS the space that enables that to happen at warp speed. If you are within a thousand miles of one of her classes, get yourself booked in swiftly and receive the gift that is Diva Diaz, so you can be even more of the gift that you are too" ~ Z.R., England

Ananda talks about Access!

"Two months ago, I asked the universe for a break, a get-away from my vacation that was No true vacation by any sense of the word. Silly me, I received exactly that. On the last day of my vacation, I woke up with severe pain in my neck.

As the days went on, the pain worsened. I finally went to three doctors, had X-rays and finally an MRI done, only to find out that I had herniated three cervical vertebrae. The doctors put me on pain medicine and when the discomfort continued, I had an epidural injection, which was supposed to end my suffering. Literally, I was laying on my back for weeks on end knowing that I’d be there for many more weeks, waiting impatiently for my body to feel like itself again, I got to a point where I demanded a change. That's when I picked up the phone to call you.

I believe it was by the third question when I began to feel like myself again. We spoke for less than 30 minutes. You facilitated me back to a space I'd forgotten existed throughout that whole experience. You helped me become aware of what energy I was choosing to embody, reminding me of choice and questions and the gift that my body is, rather than the torture chamber I had decided it was.

Immediately, my body began to shift; the pain lessened immensely. Following our conversation, I had my bars run, As the hours went by, all the intensity continued decreasing and by the time I woke up the next day, it was as if the injury had never happened. I can't express in words the gratitude I have for you. What a gift you are to me and the those lucky enough to know you and be facilitated by you.

""HOORAY,"" as you say! How does it get any better than this?” S.L ~ Florida, USA

Dipti talks about her shoulder healing!

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What if having the life you've always hoped you could have, and didn't know how to achieve, could be easier than you've imagined? Visit: www.divadiaz.com

“What if everything you always hoped was possible for you, is just the tip of the iceberg of what you're capable of?”

- Diva Diaz
