Catherine Burton

Catherine Burton

Hello and Welcome, 


Thank you for visiting my page.

My name is Catherine Burton and I am currently based in Dublin, Ireland.

I used to wonder why I was here on this planet and I started exploring other possibilities in life, from a young age, in a serious way, serious being the operative word!!

I was introduced to the tools of Access Consciousness a few years ago when I was gifted some Bars sessions, for which I am truly grateful and my life and world changed in ways that I would never have considered possible.

I have been choosing the tools of Access Consciousness since then, as a way to empower my life and the choices I make.

Now I see possibilities everywhere in a world that used to disillusion me with what I saw as it’s impossibilities and there is much more fun in my life.

With the tools of Access Consciousness I have stepped into my capacities as a Body worker and really believe that there is nothing in life or bodies that cannot be changed, if we so choose.

I see people change their body shape & health situations, money situations, relationships and so much more.

It’s magic.

We are magic.

Access Consciousness has been a huge contribution to my life.

I love facilitating sessions and classes and would love for everyone to know that a life of ease and joy is possible.

What would it take for you to experience the gift of Access Consciousness for yourself?

I teach tools and processes that facilitate going beyond limitations and into the space of who you truly are.

I offer classes and private sessions in

Bars & Body Processes and the Energetic Facelift

I offer private, one-on-one

SOP - Symphony of Possibilities sessions

Abuse Hold Sessions.

I am so grateful for these wonderful tools and for the gift of Access Bars, where it all started for me. 

I also host and organise classes for other Access Consciousness facilitators.

If any of this is something you would like in your world, please contact me with any questions you may have or come visit me for a session or a class.  

If you don't see a class listed for a day or time that suits you, please get in touch.

Maybe have your Bars will change your life, if you are willing to choose it!!

Warning Alert!!!

You may get to be so happy and joyful that people will ask you what you are doing differently?

Here's to celebrating the greatness of you!

All of Life Comes to Me with Ease and Joy and Glory®

I would be delighted to hear from you at


Warm Regards


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“What if you were willing to nurture and care for you? What if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be? What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world?”

- Gary Douglas Founder of Access Consciousness
