Anne Clarke

Anne Clarke

Hello & Welcome!
I love choosing more than I previously thought possible.
Being involved with Access has introduced me to fabulous people across the globe instituting change.
What would your life look like if you were choosing for you?
My target is to be able to change the energy of any space without saying a word. 
While having as much fun as possible being an invitation to something different.
Would you like to play? How much fun could we have? 
How can we contribute to accelerating the expansion of consciousness and our ability to steward the planet we live on?
What are the inconceivable possibilities? 
For Now.
Love, hugs, and lots of laughter,

Voir les cours à venir.

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Pas de cours à afficher.

"You see the stress and the anxiety and what they believed was holding them in place fall away... The ripple effects that it has in the room, in the families.. its watching that... If people are willing to choose for themselves the side effect is; it gives other people permission to choose". Access Consciousness empowers you to know that YOU KNOW, what else is possible now?


Mes cours


Les Access Bars® sont le coeur même et la fondation d'Access Consciousness. Cela peut être le point de démarrage d'une grande aventure et cela peut être quelque chose que tu ajoutes à ta vie et qui t'aidera à créer plus d'aisance avec absolument tout.
Les Bars® sont 32 points uniques sur la tête qui sont corrélés à différents domaines ou aspects de la vie. Touche une Bar et tu commences à faire partir l'énergie vérrouillée dans ce domaine ou cet aspect de ta vie simplement en le touchant.