Choice For Possibilities

Your Guide to Joining Us in Peregian Beach!

Voyage et transports


Brisbane Airport 
Approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes from Peregian Beach 


Sunshine Coast Airport 
Approximately 15 minutes away from Peregian Beach


From Brisbane Airport 
Peregian Beach is 124 km / 77 miles from Brisbane. 
Travel time is approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Con-X-ion SHUTTLE Service

  • Or take an Uber to Peregian Beach

    Car Rental

Private Car Hire

From Sunshine Coast Airport

  • Peregian Beach is 20 km / 12.5 miles from Sunshine Coast Airport.
  • Travel Time is approximately 15 minutes.
  • Uber is your best choice

La monnaie nationale de l'Australie est le dollar australien (AUD), qui se présente sous forme de billets en polymère (plastique) de 5, 10, 20, 50 et 100 dollars. Les pièces de monnaie se présentent sous la forme de pièces de 5, 10, 20 et 50 cents, ainsi que de pièces de 1 et 2 dollars.

Convertis les devises à ta banque, ou à l'aéroport avant le départ ou à l'arrivée.
Consulte les taux de change actuels sur le convertisseur de devises Xe Currency Exchange currency converter.

Des distributeurs automatiques de billets (DAB/ATM) sont disponibles.
Les cartes de crédit sont couramment acceptées.

*Pour faciliter le paiement, informe l'émetteur de ta carte de crédit du lieu et de la date de ton voyage.

Tous les non-résidents doivent obtenir un visa pour entrer en Australie.
Tu trouveras des informations sur les types de visas et sur la façon de faire une demande en ligne ici.


Nous aurons besoin des informations suivantes :
Nom figurant sur le passeport
Numéro de passeport
Numéro de téléphone
Dates de la classe
Dates de voyage approximatives

Peregian Beach temperatures in October range from a high of 76°F (24°C) to a low of 66°F (19°C). Some would describe it as pleasantly warm with a gentle breeze.

Check the latest weather forecast here.

What to Bring:
  • Sunglasses, sunscreen (preferably eco & marine friendly), and/or a hat
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Swimwear
  • Layering pieces, a sweater or wrap for evenings and air-conditioned spaces
  • Comfortable footwear for exploring or shopping
  • The Magic of You! 


Telegram Chat 
Would you like to connect with your hosts and other participants?

Join our AC Live Classes Australia chat on Telegram.
This is a great place to find roommates, share rides and more.

Le lieu de la classe

Essence Peregian Beach

1 Sunset Lane,
Peregian Beach, Queensland 4573, Australia

+61 (7) 5319 3777

Essence Peregian Beach website



Essence Peregian Beach

1 Sunset Lane,
Peregian Beach, Queensland 4573, Australia

Essence Peregian Beach website

+61 (7) 5319 3777


Peregian Beach does not have many traditional hotels other than Essence, but there are plenty of other options to choose from!



If you'd prefer a hotel, consider staying in Noosa (25km) if you have a car or are ok with Ubering.


About Peregian Beach

With a small town beach vibe and laid-back attitude, Peregian Beach has plenty of leisurely things to do, places to eat, and stylish boutiques to shop.

Peregian Beach is located on the coast between Noosa and Mooloolaba, on the edge of Noosa National Park, with Lake Wayba's horse riding, kite-boarding, fishing, canoeing, and birdwatching nearby.

Sunshine Coast - Peregian Beach things to do

Discover Noosa's Villages - Peregian Beach

Visit the Australian Zoo

VIP Creative Edge

Aimerais-tu améliorer ton expérience de cette classe ?

Profite d'une place au premier rang et d'une inscription VIP en rejoignant le Creative Edge of Consciousness.

Le plus récent et le meilleur du fondateur d'Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas, du Dr Dain Heer et de Simone Milasas, y compris une téléclasse en direct chaque mois et des surprises inattendues pouvant provenir de n'importe où et à tout moment.

Deviens VIP

* L'adhésion au Creative Edge est disponible en anglais, français, allemand, italien, portugais, espagnol et russe.

Restaurants et expériences gastronomiques


Spirit House - Fine dining, fixed price menu

Periwinkle Restaurant - French & mediterranean inspired

Pitchfork Restaurant  - Seasonal menu, vegetarian friendly

Pizzami Gourmet Pizza Bar 

Peregian Beach Hotel - Casual dining

Envie d'en avoir plus ?

What is Possible with Access Bars in Business?

with David Kubes
October 26,  4:00 - 6:00pm

Connect with other Access Bars practitioners and facilitators in your area to explore possibilities. Bring all your questions, creations and brilliance! 

FREE for those attending the Choice for Possibilities in Peregian Beach.



Visit Antiques and Possibilities and explore treasures from all over the world!

Mention that you are attending this class and enjoy a 15% discount on your purchase.

Antiques & Possibilities
Shop 5 & 6,
6 Grebe St.
Peregian Beach QLD
phone: +61 7 5372 8838

More classes you could choose in Mooloolaba ~ a different beach on the Sunshine Coast about 30 minutes south of Peregian Beach.

Access 3 Day Body Class
with David Kubes in Mooloolaba

October 29-31, 2024

What if your body was a compass or guide to the secrets, mysteries, and magic of life?


Advanced Body Class
with Simone Milasas in Mooloolaba

November 1-3, 2024

The Advanced Body Class is all about choosing to create with our bodies in a different way so we have total health, total ease and the joy of our bodies.

Tu as des questions ?

Contacte-nous à


Tout de la vie me vient avec aisance, joie et gloire !