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"Teach your kids to choose. That’s all you do. Choose what’s going to work for you."
Gary DouglasWhat if as a parent you could have your life AND enjoy your kids?
Conscious Parents Conscious Kids Teleclass are all about a different possibility in parenting. Tips and tools that are easy to use and can change everything.
What if parenting could be fun? Maybe even easy?
Introduction to Conscious Parents Conscious Kids is all about that. Easy and pragmatic tips and tools on parenting that actually work.
Different than anything you’ve heard before!
Have you ever judged yourself as a parent?
Have you ever judged your kids for not doing things the way you want them to?
Are you trying to do this thing called parenting right? Does it leave you feeling tired and overwhelmed?
Kids don’t come with a manual. Sometimes we wish they did!
This BIG Being in a tiny body shows up in your life and what now?
Two day Conscious Parents Conscious Kids classes are packed full of pragmatic tips, tools and process on how to have fun being a parent and how to enjoy and have ease with being a kid. This is the handbook you’ve been asking for!
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